1 minute read
Such notices posted in Lumber Offices not only invite competition, but in plain language' you are advising the public that it is foolish for them to pay a legitimate price for Building Materials when, through competitive figuring, they can be bought at practically cost'
, It is because of thoughts like these, and the fact that you have allowed the public and contractors to put a selling price on your merchandise, that you are reluctant to take a stand and make your business a one-price establishment'
During the past few years California's prosperity has created demands for such a volume of lumber that, had legitimate prices been secured, it would have refected a wonderful business, yct at the expiration of each year your books showed little if any profit. You simply scratch your heads, remark that totten competition is Hell, and continue with your pencil pughing, helping conditions to grow worse'
LUMBERMEN'S SERVICE ASSOCIATION are in their small way helping by making available for you to apply-a Building Plan Service that will create business where properly applied, and we are bold enough to tell the world that the Lumber Merchants in California who are enjoying the most profitable business are members of our association'
Phone TUcker '|839 - 404-5-6-7 Fay Building