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Dave Woodhead Host at Hoo Hoo Meeting
A record crowd greeted Past Snark Dave Woodhead at the.February lZth meeting of the Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club, when he acted as c[airman of the di
He introduced "Brother" Tom Liddicoat, conductor of the famous Los Angeles Midnight Mission, an organization that does much for the "down-and-outer." Bro-ther Tom explained the workings of the Mission and told of the great amount of good that had been done through their offer of food and lodging for any man that was br"oke ancl in need of help.
Mr. and Mrs. Hatch favored the meeting lvith a number of splendid musical nnmbers.
The chairman read Lincoln's famous Gettysburg address, it being that great man's birthday, ancl on H. t. Rosenberg's. name being -drawn for the attendance prize, pre- sented Herman with a beautiful plaque, containing these immortal words.
It was one of the best meetings of the year.
Jack Thomas Presides At Hoo Hoo Meeting
J. 4. (Jtck) Thomas, popular manager at Los Angeles for the Coos Bay Lumber Company, prelided as chaiiman at the_February 19th meeting of the Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club, at the Elite Cafe.
There was a very.-good_at_tendance, sever:al of the visiting delegates to the Millwork Institute beins on hand.
Past Snark of the lJniverse, C. D. LeMaster, was introduced by P_ast Vicegerent Dave Woodhead. Charley made a short talk, telling the boys what a wonderful ciiy thev were living- in, and expressing the hope that some day hi would be able to call himself a Los Angelean.
E. F. Bixler won the Attendance Prize.
Dr. F. P. Woellner, of the Southern Branch. Universitv of California, talked on "The Mod.ern Universitv ;i iir" South." His address was thoroughly enjoyed.
The Golf Committee, Frank Connelly, made an announcement of a.proposed tournament to be held at Riverside, sometime in March. The balance of the time was consumed in a discussion on the coming Concatenation, February 27th.
San Antonio Powerful In Hoo Hoo
"With a bang and a slash, and with ioy and with noise. amid the ringrng of bells and the singing-of songs and the playing.of a. Blackamoor jazz band. i jiigling aid a lang- ling, a jowling 1nd a yowling-amids[, """t ib go fuith&, such scenery and such heart throbs as were nevei scened or throbbed before, nine thousand nine hundred and ninetvnine.cats, (subject to the usual 9 discounts reducing the number to eighty-.five net cats), sat down, at the very"head of whom was enthroned, the Supreme and Most Dilnified Tom Cat, Joh-n T.. Wilson, surrounded by all the d-ignity and pomp and majesty of his office, who- had headed this great body of men, preceded by nine acolytes and nine censers, lvho sang nine praises of the aforesaid Lord Tom Cat.,,
Such was the opening paragraph of a lengthy illustrated story on the recent Concatenation of the San Antonio Hoo Hoo, in the Gulf Coast Lumberman.
San Antonio has done much for Hoo Hoo and is one of the leading districts. For enthusiasm and pep, in the .or- der, this bunch will be hard to beat.
- fh:y have but o_ne meeting a month, putting on wonder- ful shows each time, and the display of eithusiasm is great. They have an average of sevenfy-five in attendance in a town with about fifteen retail yaids and but two or three wholesale offices.
After all, there irn't much choice when ordering rarh and door productr, if you conrider only the price. The Koehl inrtitution ir devoted to one main purpose ln its busiireu life, and the succerc and growth attending the burinecr, ir ruftcient proof of the wirdom of t[e policy.
Thir purpore, without any frillr or trimmingr, L, "To Satisfactorily Serve You."
First of all, mainly, now and forever after, we posrtively do give you intelligent service. For example: A phone call to our office regarding the delivery of an order, is a stop signal throughout the offices, until the information is obtained and imparted to you. And the order goes as promised. A big thing in this line of business.
We mark no orders "Special Attention." That kind of attention is given every piece that goes through our plant.
Have you ever noticed the pleasant voice at our end of the telephone line ? This isn't an accident. The next time you call, mark this point.

'We are constantly at work on new things, new ideas, trying new methods of manufacture, and attempting to cut down the well-advertised "overhead," all rvith the idea of so increasing our efficiency to make this institution all the more necessary to your business.
The addition to our plant will be in vrperation soon, watch for the announcement about it. We will be equipped to turn out anything in veneers, made in our own plant, and according to Koehl specifications of quality.