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Why lVe Advertise?
We don't fill this page in order to keep Jack Dionne going, he doesn't need it, we simply want to remind Mr. Lumber Dealer that we are still dealing in lumber to the California Markets, as usual.
1926 looks pretty good to us and we expect to sell more lumber than we did in 1925. They try to tell us that things in California are a little quiet just now, but we are confident that things are going ahead and will continue to do so. Perhaps this forward progress will not have the accompanying fare of trumpets as in 1923, but when the year is drawing to a close, the trade journals and lumber papers are adding up the building permits and compiling the other necessary statistics to put the facts before us we will all have the usual surprise.
We honestly expect a good demand this year qnd we, in our mill to the dealer service, with our tonnage facilities and lumber output are in an excellent position to meet this demand and handle it to your satisfaction.
All we ask of you Mr. Lumber Dealer is that you give us an opportunity to show you that "actions speak louder than woids." If you do you have answered the question, why we advertise!
Call TRinity 7997 and ask for Mr. H. A. Smith, our Los Angeles manager.