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The Long-Bell Lumber Company
tail, mah hoofs, and mah hawns, an Ah shovels coal about a houah every day, an dats all. Whut does yo' have to do?"
"Lawdy, boy, dey's wukkin me mos t'death up heah. Ah gits up befo' day an put away de sta's, pushes dor,vn de moon, pulls up de sun, rolls out de clouds, and shoves de sun roun all day. An at night Ah scatters out de sta's, po'es out de Milky Way, an hangs up de Big Dipper."
"\Mhy fo dey wuks yo so ha'd?" asks Sam.
"Case de he'p is so scase up heah," replied Rastus.
Lawrence Chapman A San Francisco Visitor
Lawrence Chapman, Sacramehto lumberman and manager of the Sacramento Lumber Co., spent afew days in San Francisco during the middle of the month attending to business matters and calling on the trade. He reports that the Sacramento Valley has had some nice productive rains and that the prospectS f.or L926 in his section are good.
As $ood As $ood Futiiture
"Everlarting'f,ooriog comer &om a city femous for ig 6ne woodworkinq. Thb lumber ir dried in the rame kilnr ured in dninq-thc lurnbcr for Grand Rapidr firrniture, end bv tbi lfre rcientific metho&. Our-craftncn heve thc eliill geined &om e lifetirne of woodworking. Thcy opcnte nechher gauged to rplit heir.ccrrrr*jh Terti:nc and ioroection ir continuour. Ir it aay woader thet.'-Evcrlatiig' fooriag har the gudry of 6oc lurnrtult.
Nichols & Cox Lumber Co. offirt$| all other forward steps being taken by the thinking m€n engaged in thisgreat industry of ourr; ttece are difierent forms of SERVICE Lumbermen of today can give their curtomer more varietier of this commodity than can merchantr of any other kindr of gooda AND IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO GIVE TOO MUCH OF IT. Have you ever raid of a merchant that he gave you too much helpful advice, too much in the way of little low-coot extrar, too much of anything tlrat brought you cloler to him and rnede you want to ree hirn again? Nor will any Home Builder ever say it of you, if you will equip yornrelf to attract hir burineer, buriner that b largely non-competitive, when properly developed.

Albion Lurnber Co., Hobart Building