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Creo-Dipt advertising reaches nearly every worth while home!
fN YOUR town-in every town-full I page, full-color Creo-Dipt advertisements in the Saturday Evening Post, Country Gentleman, Good Housekeeping and other widely-read magazines, are carrying the Creo-Dipt message right to your best customers and prospects.
"Roofs and side-walls of Creo-Dipts save their cost in reduced upkeep," these advertisements dre saying.
If you aren't already stocking Creo-Dipts, write for details of our profitable dealer plan and our convenient shipping arrangements.
Creo-Dipt Company, Inc., Oliver Street, North Tonawanda, N. Y.
In Canada: Creo-Dipt Company, Ltd., 1610 Royal Bank Bldg., Toronto, Canada. Sales offices in principal cities. Plants located for easy shipping at No. Tonawanda, Minneapolis. Kansas City, Mo,, Vancouver, B. C.