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Peninsular Lumbermen Hold Dance at
Palo Alto
The second annual Dinner Dance of the Pensinsula Lumbermen's Club was held in the Trellis Room of the Cardinal Hotel, Palo Alto, on Friday evening, February 12. The affair was largely attended and included many of the Peninsula lumbermen, their families, employees and friends from the Bay District. Dinner was served at seven-thirty and was followed by dancing which continued until midnight with excellent music furnished by Ev Young's seven piece orchestra of Stanford University.
The Trellis Roor4 was beautiful arranged for the occasion and everybody present reported a very enjoyable evening. Beautiful corsage bouquets were presented to the ladies through the courtssy of the Cfris: n. McCormick Lumber Co. Among the invited guests were C. W. Pinkerton of Whittier, President, and J. E. Fraser, San Francisco, Secretary, of the Calif6rnia Retail Lumbermen's Association. annuonce their absociation
The Peninsula Luirbermen's Club is made uo of the following well known sit"it concerns: Dudfield Lumber Co., Palo Alto; Gray-Thorhing Lumbg; Co., Redwood City; Palo Alto Lumber€o., Palo Alto; Mirner Lumber Co., Palo Alto; Progress L;umber Co., Redwbod- City; Sudden _Lury- ber Co., Redwood City; Advance Lumber Co., Menlo Park; Sterling Lumber Ce., Mountain View, and the Minton Lumbei Co.. Mountdin View. E. R. Ellis, Palo Alto Lumber Co., is Presiddri and F. J. Kingan, Secretary, of the club.