1 minute read
Age not guaranteed-Some I have told for 2O y€ors-Some less.
Even in Heaven
Rastus and Sam had died, and got widely scattered.
Rastus got Sam on the phone one day, and when he found out it was his old friend he said: "Howdy, Sam, how yotr like hit up heah?"
'!Ah haint up heah" said Sam. "Ah'se down below."
"Sho nuff?" sard Sam, "An does dey wuk yo' ha'd whah yo'is?"
"Nosuh", replied Sam. "Ah don' get up til leben o'clock in de mawnin, and Ah puts on Mah red suit, mah forked
A. J. Russell, Santa Fe Lumber Co., Sa4 Francisco, was a recent Northwest visitor where he spent two weeks calling on his mill connections and looking over lumber conditions at the mills. While in Portland, he attended the Western Retail Lumbermeh's Association Institute. During his absence, Harry Officer ,n'hs in charge of their San Francisco office.
The Best in Oak Flooring Manufacture
A ehipment of Long-Bell trade-marked oak flooring reaches you in first class s6ndilien-1h6 result of standards of manufacture, loading and shipping uneurpassed in the induetry.
Study these points of auperiority:
| -The greateet care ie ueed in the selection of raw material.
2-All the elements of kiln drying are under exacting control.
3-The utmoet precieion in the operation of mechanical equipment.
4-A eystem of grading and inspection pledging the bestand moet uniform resultg.
5-Careful loading and every precaution to prevent damage in transit.
It is congtant adherence to these practices which aaaures the dealer of having, in Long-Bell trade-marked oak fooring, a product as near perfect as man and machinery can make it. pinc
Longvilre, ra. (Iog-Bell Brud) (Superior Brud) (Lons-B;U Biud)