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of Californic.

" Manufacturers of Douglar Fir and Port Orford Cedar Sawmills, Marshfield, Oregon

Distributing Plant BaY Point

Annual Production 200,000,000 Feet

GENERAL OFFICES :'T1""?ti:::,3ii" los Angeler Ofice, 8116 ccntrel Blds.

"Pink" Gets First Car Grade Marked Redwood

When the Holmes Eureka Lumber Company annou'nced recently that they rvere going to follow the trend of the times and make it possible for retail dealers to secure Redwood rvith Grad.e Mark stamps on it, any grade, and the grades that prevail at all times from the better mills, C. W. Pinkerton of the Whittier Lumber Company, Whittier, hastened to get an order in to Bill Hamilton, Los Angeles manager for F{olmes Eureka.

"Pink" is strong for all standardized thoughts and deeds. He thinks Grade Marking, Trade Marking, and the Certifi. cation of lumber by the retailer are all good things, and evidenced his approval of this new step by the Holmes Eureka people by giving them a car load order.

Harry Easom On Trip To Honolulu

Harrv Easom. the well known San Francisco wholesaler, left February !7 on the Matsonia for a three-months' trip to Honolultr. Ott the trip he plans to combine both business and Dleasure. He will be gone about three weeks and expecti to return to San Francisco on March 9. Mrs. Easom i. accompanying him on the triP.

Lucy Parks says that some of the "period" furniture one sees around the country is evidently late Victrola or early Saxophone.-Class.


By Wrn. J. Lampton

Oh, give me whatever I do not possess, No matter whatever it be, So long as I haven't it, that is enough, I fancy, to satisfy me.

No matter whatever I happen to have, I have it; and what I have not, Seems all that is good of the good things on earth, To lighten the lack of my lot.

No covetous spirit incites the desire, To have what I haven't, I'm sure; Because when f have what I haven't f want. What f haven't, the same as before.

So, give me whatever f do not possess, No matter whatever it be; and yetTo h,ave what I haven't is having, and that, Destroys all the pleasure for me.

Getting and Keeping in Tune

We may be poverty poor, or rich in this world's goods. We may walk on crutches, or run in the glory of perfect health.

We may live in the flower garden of beautiful dreams, or in the thicket of stern reality.

We may have the daily companionship of the most beautiful rose in the Garden of Love, or tread the by-ways of life, alone.

We may ride the softened cushions of a Rolls-Royce, or travel the dusty roads on foot. '

But it makes little difference if we KEEP OUR HEARTS IN TUNE WITH THE INFINITE PLAN.

Plan for good, face today's problems with courage, and meet our fellowmen with th€ smile of happiness.

Yes, it takes backbone to do it, and sometimes the smile must work its way out through the tears.

But that's Service, and you know, "fle profits most who serves best."-Chili Sauce.

After But Not Before

l'Am dere anybody in de congregashun what wishes prayers said fo dere failin's?" the colored preacher.

ttYassuh", responded Jones. t'Ah's a spen' thrif' an'Ah throws mah 'round reckless like. Ah needs prayers fo dat faili ttVe'y well" the parson, "we shall join in, prayer fo MEDIATELY AFTEH DE COLLEC- Brotheh J


The Village Preacher

(From Goldsmith's "Deserted Village".)

At church, with meek and grace, His looks adorn the venerable place; Truth from his lips prevailed with And fools, who came to scoff, remained to The service past, around the pious man, With ready zeal each honest rustic ran; E en children followed with endearing wile, And plucked his gown, to share the good His ready smile d parent's joy expressed, Their welfare pleased him, and their cares

To them his heart, his love, his griefs

But all his serious thought had rest in As some tall cliff that lifts its awful Swells from the vale and midway the storm. Through round its breast the roll clouds are spread, Eternal sunshine settles on its head.

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The Old Cuspidor

Husband: "I certainly miss the old cuspidor, gone."

Wife: 'nThat's why it's gone. You used often."


It's easy enough to be plelsant, When your wife signs yo{r name to a check, But the guy that's wo{th while Is the one that can sdile, When she's shaving th9,6ack of his neck.

A salesman was calling upon a miserly retailer when a poor woman entered soliciting alms. The retailer, wishing to play a joke on the salesman, told the woman to "ask the boss," at the same time pointing to the other man. The salesman, turning to the grocer, who was smaller than he, said: "Boy, give this poorwoman a dollar out of the till."

Creating More Business for BIue Diamond Dealers

HE miniature reproductions shown above are a few of the advertisements that are appearing regularly in Los Angel* newspapers. They are a part of Blue Diamond's $25,000 educational advertising campaign in the interest of the building industry. Throueh these advertisements builders .r" ,"ilirirrg tro*, more than ever before, that good plastering is one of the most important featuree in the properly constructed home. By increasing the demand for "quality rather than low price" this campaign is directly benefiting the entire building industry. And because contractors are feeling the inffuence of this constructive work they are glad to favor Blue Diamond dealers.

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