2 minute read
Put The Courtesy Boys to Work
Bg Jacft Dionne
It was Kipling who wrote: "f keep six honest serving-men, (They taught me all I knew); Their names are What and Why and When And How and Where and Who."
Most of us have "serving-men" in our employ who, like these six oi Kiplings', we seldom think of.
Now, the average retail lumber merchant is in that fix- IIe doesn't get the great-est possible productiveniss from his business because he has "serving-men" who are not belng worked to their fullest capacity.
Take Mr. Please, Mr. Thank You, Mr. Yes Sir, Mr. No Sir, Mr. Ready Smile, Mr. Friendly fnterest, Mr.,.jWarm Handshake, and several other members of the well known but noi highly enougft appreciated Courtesy Family, who should be most active business-glttin[ niemberJ of 6very merchants organization, working every hour of every day, meeting every customer, on the job all the time.
They draw no salaries, do these tireless Courtesy Boys, turn in no expense accounts, they keeil everyon€ in and around the place feeling good natured, ttrey. hurt no one's feelings, noi even your bitterest competitor, they are always ready and willing to act at your summons, and ihey can be made to do a whole lot to put over every prospective sale.
These boys should be given most active and general employment. They should be on your frontiidewalk, greetlng the folks. They shbuld be at your office-door, re-ceiving every visitor, big or little, greai or small. They should answer all your phon-e_ calls, help writi all your b-usiness letters, and be always on hand in every department, either in your office, or out in the yard and sheds.
They should by all means go out with your solicitors, and your delivery men should take them along, so that the fotks who get the stock will be glad to see your trucks come back again.
Some of them should go into every bill and invoice you send out, and if you employ- a collector they should all go with him on every call. Your salesmen can get nowhere without them, and they should help write all of your advertising.
fn fact, these active Courtesy Boys should be put to work on every job, big or little. important or unimportant, in your business. No matter where you put them to work they wil give faithful sirvice, and work to good purpose for the improvement of your business. Stop every morning, Mr. Merchant, and lay out your day's work for the Courtesy Boys in-your organization. And if you do so use them, you will have ss3s6n-when you say your prayers at night-to thank Providence for their assistance. You will have much additional to be grateful for.
They are the only active members of your organization who are not on your payroll, yet who cannot be overworked, no matter how hard you may work them.
Use them one hundred per cent every day.