3 minute read
llTe dontt sell YY much lumber!
BUT-what we do rell, we rell ih ruch a way tlrat we make and keep a rteadily growing liet of curto,merr and Friendr. No one concefn cetr rell it dl, we don't want to. We believe that YOU would enjoy the "comeback-for-more,t rpirit that id conrtantly rhown in our organiza- tion, and there is a mighty good way for you to convince yourrelf that we are right.
Built entirely with Whitney LUMBER
Equipped entirely with Whitney FRAMES
Finished entirely with Whitney FINISH
Fir Will Not Stain Stucco
Mr. B. W. Shiplcy, 16 Calif St., San Francisco
Mr. Gco. \f,/. Gornea, 4224 G St. Sacrainento
Mr. A. O. Nelron, 330 Central BIdg., , Los Angeles THE
Goribaldi, Qregon
W. R. CHAMBERLIN & CO. Matson Bldg., 215 Market St., San Francisco 266 New Chamber of Commerce Building, Los Angetes MAin 4764
(Continued from Page 10.)
Great Falls, Mont., and O. F. Gardner, Great Northern Lumber Co., Leavenworth, Wash.
Reports of committees and election of officers concluded the business.
Tacoma, Wash., was the unanimous selection for the 7927 convention city. J. C. Ferger, Fresno, Cal., was chairman of the convention committee.
Resolutions: Recommended full use of each helping agehcy of association, especially the Traffic Department; endorsed movement known as American Standardization of sizes, and uniformity of grade marks as proposed by the West Coast Lumbermen's Association; endorsed positive and practical program of reforestation and replanting of cutover lands; endorsed Federal Government's program of conservation and reclamation and use of flood waters; protested against further increase of freight rates in inter-mountai4 states, and registered vigorous protest against proposed Uniform Lien Law.

A Hoo-Hoo Concatenation was held Friday evening' This was largely attended, 20 kittens were initiated and seven old cats were reinstated. The attendance was large and included members from 10 states. Don Clark came from Seattle to put on the Junior Hoo-Hoo work' Officers and Directors
President, C. J. Baldwin, Bridger, Mont.; Vice presidents, Washington, western division, W. C. Deering, Tacoma, Wash.; eastern division, H. J. Mathis, Reardon; Oregon, western division, J. W. Copeland, Portland; eastern division, E. C. Van Patten, Ontario; California, northern division, Elmer Ellis, Palo Alto; southern division, Frank L. Fox, Glendale; Idaho, E. J. Ostrander, Twin Falls; Montana, R. M. Graham, Great Falls; Wyoming, James Saunders, Gillette; Nevada, E. C. McBride, Elko; IJtah, Robert Anderson, Logan; Colorado, R. M. Nudgett, Greeley; Arizona, J. Knox Corbett, Tucson.
Directors, one year term: F. C. Kendall, Spokang, Ray Cross, Salt Lake City; David Woodhead, Los Angeles ; Robert Inglis, Stockton, Cal.;F. S. Stone, Nampa, Ida. ; Tohn Poiteren, Idaho Falls, Ida.; William Bolles, Lewiston, Mont.; L. H. Heilman, Sheridan, Wyo.
Two year term : James F. Taylor, Salt Lake City; F. Dean Prescott, Fresno, Cal.; W. C. Miller, Seattle; Roy Bushong, Eugene, Ore. ; J. C. Weeter, Salt Lake City; Paul Van Patten, Ontario, Ore.; C. M. Hoddington, Yerrington, Wyo.; W. B. Falancer, Billings, Mont.
Three year term: I. G. Kjosness, Lewiston, Ida-; A' P. Stephenson, Butte, Mont.; James Burt, Forsvth, Mont.; J.
Morris, Kelso, Wash. ; J. C. Ferger, Fresno, Cal.; H. J. Phillips, Odessa, Wash.; H. M. Hellieson, Yakima, Wash. ; Charles Murphy, Salt Lake City, Utah.
An exceptional program of entertainment was provided for the delegates. Attendance prizes were drawn at each session for members of the association and their ladies, the grand attendance prize, a full carload of lumber donated by the manufacturers of Portlahd and vicinity.
On Saturday evening a dinner dance and vaudeville entertainment was largely attended. This brought the entertainment program to a close.
Patrick O'Connor, Donovan Lumber Co., Aberdeen, Washington, \,vas a San Francisco visitor during the month and was a guest of his son, Frank O'Connor, San Francisco manager of the Donovan Lumber Co. Mr. O'Connor was returning north after an extended visit in Michigan and Florida.
Owing to the serious illness of his father, O. L. Russurn was called east on February 20 when he left for his old home atAlbany.Nev York. Mr. Russum is the Sacramento Valley and San Joaquin Valley representative of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co. and makes Stockton his official headquarters,
Marysville Yard Changes Hands
A. H. Thompson of Willits, superintendeht for the Northwestern Redwood Company, a position he has held for twenty years, has purchased an interest in the Matheny Lumber Company at Marysville. Harry and Roy Matheny have sold their interests to Edward Mathenv and he with Thompson will be sole owners of the busineis. Mr. Matheny will continue to operate the Marysville plant and Mr. Thompson will continue in his capacity with the Northwestern Redwood Company.
Redwood Reforestation Going Forward
Redwood lumbermen of Humboldt and Mendocino counties have planted on cutover lands there, 2,500,000 seedlings to replace the timber cut last year. The work of reforestation taken up a few years ago has grown until the plantings are being made annually at a ratio of twentyto one tree cut for lumber. Three million seedlings were raised last year in nurseries at Fort Bragg, Scotia and Caspar.