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Manufacturerr of the famour Hipolito Screen Doors and Window Screenc
2lst and Alameda Sts., Los Angeles, Calif. Phone, WEstmore 6131
Redwood Forests Once Cbvered Gobi Desert
San Francisco, Feb. 2O.-Discovery in the Gobi Desert r:f Mongolia of the remains of a huge forest of redwood trees sirnilar to those growi'ng on the northern coast of Californib was confirmed upon his arrival here recently by R. W. Chaney, botanist, and member of the Roy Chapman Andrews expedition to the "world's cradle of life."
The redwoods in Mongolia and Siberia have been extinct for 7,000,000 or 8,000,000 years, but Chaney said the evidence of them found in rock shale is unmistakable. Pieces of petrified trees are to be analyzed to prove the contention that they are of the same variety of tree that is now found only in Northern California and Southern Oregon.
Chaney added, however, that the Asiatic discovery is not evidence of the oldest redwoods because he has found traces on the California coast of redwoods that existed 10,000,000 to 15,000,000 years ago.
These traces are in rock shale the same as in Asia, Chaney declared, and scientists are unprepared to say just where the earliest forms of vegetable and animal life existed.
Lumber Trade Extension Committee At Work
Chicago, Feb. 17.-The special committee of manufacturers set up by the National Lumber Trade Extension Conference met yesterday afternoon-immediately after the adjournment of the Conference-and discussed at considerable length ways and means of raising the ohe-million-do1lar-a-year trade extension fund. It was decided to issue a series of carfully prepared folders with exhibits showing the inroads of competitive materials upon the lumber market and the need for vigorous action on the part of the lumber industry to counterict this influence. The charts prepared by Mr. Charles S. Keith, and used by himin his add,ress ivill be reproduced together with explanatory statements.
A general letter will be sent to allof the larger lumber manufacturers, timber owners, loggers, wood-using industries, and other industries dependent in whole or in part upon maintaining adequate lumber supply, setting forth the facts now confronting the lumber industry and asking for financial support in the contemplated trade extension campaign in behalf of lumber. Much of this work will be done during the week of February 2l-27 in the office of Mr. Keith at Kansas City. Dr. Wilson Compton, Secretary and Manager of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, and Edgar P. Allen, Director of Public Relations, will spend practically the entire week with Mr. Keith in the preparation of this material.
W. B. Ferrill, well known Bay District lumberman, is now associated with F'oster Brothers Inc., and will represent this concern in Sonoma Countv. Sacramento Vallev and San Joaquin Valley territories. For the past three years, Mr. Ferrill was connected with the Oakland yard of the California & Oregon Lumber Co. where he had supervision over the vessels. Prior to joining the California & Oregon Lumber Co., he spent several years with the Albion Lumber Co.
Mr. J. O. Means, well known Los Angeles wholesaler, with his equally well known associate Mr. C. S. Estes, is moving their offices, on March first, from the Central Building, to the New Pacific Finance Building, on Hope Street near Sixth.
q A dealer said: tI found out something new about oak flooring.tt rrtlntil last year I didn't know it could be so profitable.tt
'I went after oak flooring sales from January 1 to December 31.tt
"I mme thf,n doubled my best year's tecord."
Many dealers ' could make L926 a profitable LonglSsll oak flooring year
Long.Bell trade-marked Douglas Fir Lumbet from some of the country's finest of virgin timber comes stands
\Uoods operations are quite as exactingly supervised as manufacturing operations
From that very beginning it is the Long-Bell aim to preserve for good construcaon all of the essential qualities of the standing dmber
It is that dependable source of supply which feeds the Long-Bell manufacturing plants at Longview, 'S7ash.
Dealers who are handling Long-Bell trademarked Douglas Fir and builders who use it are among its foremost suppofters.