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Details of Sash and Door Merger Disclosed
Bringing together a capital investment of close to five millions of dollars, and bringing into one great corporation the heads of eight progressive sash, door and millwork institutions of Southern California, a merger or consolidation has just been completed whereby the said eight concerns have merged, under the parent name of The Pacific Door and Sash Company.
The companies involved are:
The Pacific Door and Sash Company, Los Angeles.
Hubert Quinn Millwork Company, Los Angeles.
Pasadena Manufacturing Co., Pasadena.
Tom Merrill Sash and Door Co., Long Beach.
Baker-Hickman Co., Long Beach.
Burbank Planing Mlll Company, Burbank.
Hepburn-Topham Mill Co., Los Angeles.
Sunset Sash Door and Mill Co., Hollywood.
Each of the above concerns, according to officers of the board, rvill retain their individual firm names and identities, and capital stock. The parent company, or holding corporation will be the largest of the merging companies, the Pac;fic Door and Sash Company, with headquarters at Los Angeles.
Operation of each plant will be under the direction of the Board of Directors, and it is hoped by the principals to bring the group of mills up to the highest point of efficiency ahd economy of operation, with the tremendous buying power available, and the added advantage of the combined talents of the heads of the various institutions.
The combined institution represents a capital investment of nearly five million dollars, employs over one thousand men with an average payroll of $50,000 weekly.
The principals of the Pacific are well known. Mr. Chas. L. Miller, the President, E. A. Nicholson, Vice President and General Manager and George H. Nicholson, Treasurer and Sales Manager, have all been identified with this concern since it was first started back in l9O2 as the Pacific Sash and Door Company. Their growth has been truly remarkable, from a 4Ox75 plant on South Main Street to their present seven acre factory on San Fernando Road, in Los Angeles.
The Hubert Quinn Millwork Company's plant adjoins that of.the Pacific, and has been operated by the officers of that companv. since the death of Mr. Quinn, in February of last year. This concern specializes in built up work, shorv case work, etc.
The Pasadena Manufacturing Company is headed by Mr. McKesson, prominent for many years in the millwork game in Southern California. This is one of the oldest companies of its kind in the state, and has devoted its efforts for years on the better class of work, having furnished mill work for many of the palatial homes that have been erected in the Crown City.
Tom Merrill. a live wire and very popular among all lumbermen in California, started the Tom Merrill Sash and Door Company in Long Beach, just a few years ago. His plant, and the plant of Baker-Hickman in the same city, are in the merger. Both companies manufacture all kinds of mill work and sash and doors. George and V. J. Hickman are the active heads of the Baker-Hickman Company.
The Burbank Planing Mill is located in Burbank, and is headed by Mr. Tom Walker and Jac Walker. They manufacture built-in products in addition to sash, doors and general millwork.
George H. Hepburn was the original owner of the Hepburn-Topham Mill Company, starting in business in the 90's. In l92l Mr. OllieA. Topham acquired an interest, changing the name to its present one, and in 1925 Mr. Topham purchased the entire interests of Mr. Hepburn, keeping the firm name as it was changed in 1921.
The Sunset Planing Mill is located in Hollywood, being orvned and managed by J.J. Sherlock and J. K. McCarthy.
Directors of the new corporation will be:
Chas. L. Miller, E. A. Nicholson, L. R. McKesson, Tom Merrill, Ollie A. Topham, Jac Walker, and George H. N;cholson.
No other officers have been selected, as yet.
fnternational Hoo-Hoo is to have a home of its ownand itwill be a memorial to Bolling Arthur Johnson, founder of the Order.
Announcement of the fact is made by L. M. Tully, of St. l,ouis. chairman of the IIoo-Hoo Home Committee and a past Snark of the lJniverse. Details of the plan have not as yet been divulged, and will not be until submitted by the committee to the membership at large.