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Marshfield, Oregon
These wonderful panels are especially adapted for high-class enameling. Free from insect and bug activity, and an ideal wood for closet linings.
The following CALIFORNIA REPRESENTATIVES carry warehoure rtockr for immediate rhipmcntr:
The latest, newest, and very virile thing in the shape of house organs for industrial concerns is "The Weyerhaeuser Log",the first copy of which has reached tJris editorial desk.
Tlre first number is thatof January, 1926- It will be issued every other month hereafter, and according to the masthead is published by the Weyerhaeuser Affiliated Companies.
C)n the masthead 'we find that the follolving are members of the editorial staff: F' K. Weyerhauser, H' D. Bates, E. W. Davis, C. I-. Quisno, D. H. Bartlett, C. L- Hamilton, R. E. Saberson, I. N. Tate, R. G. Keizer, and Louis Grilk. A strong staff, surelY.
From an editorial standpoint, tlvo names on that list are well knolvn to us, those of C. L. Hamilton, and R' E' Saberson. Mr. Hamilton is the advertising and merchandising head of Weyerhaeuser Forest Products, the national aclvertising department of the Weyerhaeuser interests, and a publicity man of national prominence and large ability'
R. E. Saberson we think a lot of. He edited and publishecl for years the most delightful and clever house organ ever issued by any lumber concern up to thattime, "IJpper Cuts", issued by The Thompson Yards, at Minneapolis, rvhich concern was also owned and controlled by the Weyerhaeuser. The little magazine went out of business when the Thompson Yards did, but the fine work of Mr' Saberson will not be forgotten by those who had the pleasure of following it at the time. We congratulate the Weyerhaeuser Companies on continuing him in his editorial capacity on this new "Weyerhaeuser Log" because no man is better fitted to make it interesting to the lumbei trade'
The new publication office is at 808 Merchants National Bank Building, Saint Paul, Minnesota, and with regard to its aims and purposes, the following editorial from its first issue, states the case very clearly, as follows :
"The Weyerhaeuser Log which rvill hereafter come to you e\-ery other month-is our effort toward a more cordial relationship between dealer and manufacturer' We rvant you to know our aims and our ideals, our desire and abrlity to serve-to know better the character of the men 'rvho make up the Weyerhaeuser organization. We want to help whenever we can torvard improving conditions in all branches of the lumber industry. The dealers' problems are very close to us for we kno'iv that only as the dealer succeeds can we succeed.
"The pages of the Weyerhaeuser Log are open to retail reaclers for the discussion of any problems that confront the lumber industry. The purpose of this publication will not be fully realized if it is left to us to all the talking. And so we make our initial bo'iv in the hope that our efforts will bring us even closer to our many friends in all parts of the countrY."
Frank Burnaby At Helm At Hoo Hoo Meeting
Frank Burnaby, head of the Sun Lumber Company, a trusty Hoo Hoo and a golfer extraordinary, was in the leat of honor at the February 18th meeting of the Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club.

Frank is a Rotarian and knows all about soaking fines, making some of the wholesale boys wish for a chairman from their own ranks, rather than a retail gentleman who apparently had no mercy on them. He-fined most of the boys a half dollar and then sb as not to slight anybody, levied a fine of 'two bits' on the balance of the membens present.
He introduced Mr. E. F. Sanders, Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce of Beverly Hills, who spoke for thirty minutes on "Salesmanship".
There have been many addresses delivered in Southern California in the past few years on this time worn sub- ject, but none have been presented in the highly interest!n_g a1d impressive way as this most enlightening talk by Mr. Sanders. Ife presented an argument for the betteiment of sales methods that could well be adopted by sales people in any line of business, and he received a hearty round of applause at conclusion.
Chairman Frank told the boys about the March 5th Golf Tournament, details of which will be found elsewhere in this issue.
The attendance at this meeting was much larger than for some time.
President Wick especially pointed out the large number from his company, Chas. R. McCormick, and suggested that other organizations might well follow their example. Severr \{cCormick men were present at the meeting.
B. F. Bryan announces that the Bryan Hardwood Company have purehased the Holt Hardwood Co. of Oakland. the transaction having been completed on January 16. The Bryan Hardr.vood Company will act as wirolesali distributors of hardwood flooring and other building materials trsed in the hardwood flooring trade. B. E. (Bert) Bryan, the president and manager of the company, has been ionnected rvith the hardwood business in the Bav District for man_y years and has a large acquaintancesirip with the lumber trade of the state. Prior to going into 6usiness for himsell, he rvas associated with the Strable Hardwood Company. "Bert" is an active member of Hoo-Hoo and during past years has been a member of the Bay District FIoo-Hoo Nine. W. A. Thomsen is acting as assistant lnanager to Mr. Bryan.
C. H. White, prominent California hardwood dealer and manager of White Brothers, San Francisco, is leaving for Europe on the steamship Carinthia on May 29. He expects to be in Europe about three months and will visit England, Switzerland, Frahce, and Italy. Mrs. White and their three children will accompany him on the trip.
N{r. H.M. Hallenbeck, Sales Manager for the Chas. R. N{cCormick Lumber Company at Seattle, spent a few days in Southern California in Februarv.
He. inspected the McCormick operations in Los Angeles, San Bernardino, San Diego and other points, being competently looked after by John Olson, manager at Los Angeles.
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