7 minute read
Scientific kiln drying preEerves within our products natwe'E sturdy and beautiful qualities, while
Modern machinery and skilled human effort justifies our slogan
Furniture Stock in Sets CUT TO SIZE Ready to Assemble
Flat Surfaces Hardwood Trim Sanded
OF ARKANSAS WARREN . ARKANSAS t Continued from I'age 35) ciation send a representative to the annual loan association meeting that will be held in May.
Mr. Pinkerton's talk was followed by a general discussion in which he answered many question regarding the policies and workings of the Certificate Plan.
F. Dean Prescott. director of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, said that merchandizing methods were going through a great change with the tendency torvards standardization. He stated that he was strong for the Certificate Plan, and in referring to the work being carried on by the association asserted that while the whole program was stillin its infancy it was a step in the right direction and that the association was elevating the lumber industry in California.
Frank Trower spoke on the modefn methods of merchandising, touching on the duties of wholesalers and mill representatives, grade marking and trade marking, and lumber standards. He also gave some valuable statistics on lumber consumption in the foreign markets.
President McBride appointed the following to act on the Fraternal Committee: W. F. Knox, Chairman; E. T. Robie. I. E. Brink, Matt Silvey, C. D. LeMaster, and E. S. McBride.
Among those who attended were:
E. S. McBride-Davls Lumbet Co., Davis.
E. D, Kingsley-West Oregon Lumber Co., Portland.
Paul M. P. Merner-Merner Lumber Co., Palo Alto. Denver Taylor-Westwood Lumber Co., San Francisco.
B. A. N'xon-Nixon Lumber Co., Lockford.
J. M. Montgomery-Silver Falls Timber Co., Stockton.
J. E. Fraser-California Raail Lumbermen's Association, San Francisco.
C. W. Pinkerton-Whittier Lurnber Co., Whittier n. p. gitts-Wendl'ng-Nathan Co., San Francisco.
Frank Trower-Trower Lumber Co., San Francisco.
C. D. LeMaster-Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club, Sacramento.
J. U. Gartin-Stanislaus Lumber Co., Modesto.
W. B. fnnes-East Bay Lumbermen's Club, Oakland.
Legter Elliott-Valley Lumber Co., Lodi.
I. E. Brink-D:amond Match Co., Chico.
R. F. Wells-West Tudock Lumber & Mill Co., Turlock.
W. H. Falconbury-Falconbury Lumber Co., StocktonGeorge Good-Good Lumber Co., Tracy.
George Ground-Modesto Lumber Co., Modesto.
Louis Godard-Hendrickson Lumber Co., San Francisco. Harvey Isenhower-Ifolmes-Eureka Lurnber Co., Sacramento.
C. A. Minard-Cutter Mill & Lumber Co., Sacramento.
W. F. Knox-Superior Lumber & Fuel Co., Sacramento. George Gordon-The Whitney Company, Sacramento.
B. J. Boorman-Boorman Lumber Co., Oakland. Jack Boormar\ Oakland.
J. P. Brewer-Redwood Manufacturers,Co., Sacramento.
J. J. Farley-The Pacific Lumber Co., Stqckton.
W.- J. Byrnes-Foster Brothers Inc., San Francisco. Foster Brothers, San Francisco.
R. O. Wilson-R. O. Wilson Lurnber Co., San Francisco.
O. E. Bruhn-Davis Lumber Co., Davis.
-I. R. Neylan-Booth-Kelly Lumber Co., San Francisco.
Chas. G. Bird-Stockton Lumber Co., Stockton.
D. A. Williamson-Valley Lumber Co., Lodi.
G. H. Young-Sterling Lumber Co., Folsom.
H. M. Derr-Derr Lumber Co.' Elk Grove.
A. -T. Miller-Chas. K. Spautding Logging Co., San Francisco.
W'.-I\4. Casey-Redwood Manufacturers Co., Pittsburg. -
O. L. Russrim-Clias. R. McCormick Lumber Co., Stockton.
G. N. Whiteside-Hobbs-Wall Co., San Francisco.
Curtis H. Cutter-Cutter Mill & Lumber Co., Sacramento' George Weir-Coos Bay Lumber C9.' Sqn Francisco.
J. H.-McCallum-J. H' McCallum, San Franc'sco.
O. H. Miller-Knox Lumber Co., Sacramento.
Robt Inglis-San Joaquin Durnber Co., Stockton.
H. T. Fuller, Lodi.
Chas. L. Shepard-Friend & Terry Lumber Co., Sacramento.
Chas. Christenson-Linden Lumber Co., Linden.

A. E. Nelson-Homestead Lumber Co., Sacramento.
H. C. Ferguson-Tildetr Lumber & MiU Co., Sacramanto.
J. H. Shepard-Friend & Terry Lumber Co., Sacramento,
C. H. Terrell-Mahoney Lumber Co., San Francisco.
Fred Burgers-Union Lumber Co., San Francisco.
L. H. Chapman-Sacrarnento Lumber Co., Sacramento.
F. Dean Prescott-Valley Lumber Co., Fresno.
W. T. Thomas, Sacramento.
W. H. Besecker-Tilden Lumber & Mill Co., Oakdale.
F. T. Fisher-Fisher Brotherg Stockton-
O. V. Wilson-Central Lumber Co., Stockton
J. H. Mathews-Kiernan-Hubbard Lumber Co.. Oakland.
E. T. Robi+-Auburn Lumber Co., Auburn.
J. E. Neighbor-Neighbor Lumber Yard, Oakland.
H. A. Pefley-Friend & Terry Lumber Co,, Sacramento.
C. G. Chipchase-Friend & Terry Lumber Co., Sacramento.
Ray P. Hunter-Sterling Lumber Co., Oroville.
R. E. Tracy-Ffiend & Terry Lumber Co., Sacramento.
Fred A. Hutton-Dixon Lumber Co., Dixon.
J. E. Martin-"The California Lumber Merchant", San Francisco.
An automobile magazine published an article on "Service" in which the following advice was given:
"Offering a drink of cool water to a thirsty travelernoi waiting for him to ask for it-is a courtesy that will rvin good will."
Not long afterward the publication received the following letter from one of its subscribers, a Japanese:
"Sir and Mister: I see in honorable paper to offer water to thirsty traveler make fine courtesy and goodness of service. I do so for one week. I say'Want a clrink., Motor driver look happy and say 'Of what ?' I say .Of rvatef.' Motorist look mad and say 'Na !' "
Fruit Growers Supply Company
Manufacturcrr of California White and Sugar Pine Lumber
. Mills at Susanvill'e and HiIt, CaL
15O,00O,(XX) Fe€t Amual Crpacitv
B. W. ADAMS, Mgr. Salea Dcpt.
First National Bank Bldg. . San Francirco gTEAIIER.S
& Shlnate Co., Hoqulam, Wash.
Prorper itlll Co., Prosper, Ore.
Raymond Llmber Oo., Raymond, Wash. Colnmbln Bor & Lunber Co. South Bend, .wash,
Hulbert Mlll Co., Aberdeen, Wash.
Lewl! l[lll. & Tlnber Co., South Bend, Wash,
J. A. Lewl. Shlngle Co., South B6nd, Wash.
61O Arctic Club Bldg. Seattle
Dirtributing Agents for ClarL-NicLerron Lumbcr Co, Evcrett, Warh. pcmpley Lumbcr Co, Tacoroa, Waeh.
Dcfiancc Lunber Co, Tacoma, Warh. Barnct Lunbcr Co, Vrncouver, B. C. Whitncy Co; Garibeldi, Ore.
Littlc Rivc Rcdwood Coo Hunboldt Bay.
Brookltr R.aynord
Oarlnel Caoba
Gray: Earbor Oharlet Ohrtttclron
Oathcd[G G. grdilen Edra Oht|rtcnron vhtta Edna
$1f, Pleel-flind Bldg. 23O Cdifonda St. San Francisco
9OO.A.. G. Bartlett Bldg. Lol Angeler
Operating Steamerc W. R. CLemberlin, Jr. Barbare C Phyllie Stenwooo Dan F. Hrnloa Bertie Hanlou
"I have selected the following dates and will hold a Concatenation on those dates if we have only one candidate: March 27, June 19, August 28."
That's th. -.ttuge Viceger.nt Snark H. H. Miller, No' 31598, of the Miller-McDermott Hardwood Co., San Diego, Cal., ha$ sent to Secretary-Treasurer Isherwood.

The policy of Vicegerent Miller commends itself to tts as an e>icellent one. We are hopeful that Vicegerent Snarks in other districts rvill adopt a similar plan.
A refinite date should be selected for Concatenations well in advance, plans perfected in ample time, and th-e Concatenation 'hild regardless of snow, rain, a small class. procrastination on fhe part of half-interqsJed e-ligibles, etc' IIoo-Hoo Bulletin.
Looks Forward To It
flere's $z.OO for California Lumber Merchant. Certainly look forward with much pleasure to tbe coming of each issue. It is so filled with interesting worth while meaty subjects. More power and success to you."
w. J.WHITTTER Redwood Manufacturers
Richard S. Pershing, No. 33771, of the Red River Lumber Co., Westwood, has been appointed Vicegerent Snark of the Northern California District. He succeeds the popular P. T. Brorvn, 31356, of Eureka, whose regime was marked by notable development of interest in the Order.
Brother Pershing was appointed by Supreme Junior HooHoo Rodman Hendrickson, of San Francisco, and the appointment has been confirmed by Snark of the lJniverse Hager.
The nerv Vicegerent has been a member of Hoo-Hoo since November 15, 1923, and. has been active in promoting its interests. He is well known throughout the industry and, although of the younger generation of Western lumbermen, will be enthusiastically supported in.his new work.
Announce Arrival Of Baby Daughter
Mr. and Mrs. Golden Land, of Oroville, announce the arrival of a baby girl born on January 27. Golden Land, the proud daddy, is assistant sales manager of the Hutchinson Lumber Co. and is a brother of Chas. Land the sales rnanager of the company.
Made of the finest crucible steel and turned out by expert saw makers Simonds Circular Saws are world known for quality.
Our Slrvice station in Los Angeles offers you rapid detivery
Southern California Lumbermen to Play Golf March Fifth
All lumbermen of Southern California have been invited to participate iq the first of the scheduled 1926 Hoo Hoo Tournaments, at the San Gabriel Country Club on March 5th.
Mr. Frank Burnaby, President of the Sun Lumber Company, assisted by L. M. Rosenberg'and Cliff Bergstrom, form the committee. Attractive notices, in pamphlet form, containing the list of events, playing ryles, list of prizes and their donors, have been mailed to every Hoo lfoo member'in and around Los Angeles, and to a great number of other lumbermen.
The play starts at noon, on March 5th, and 18 holes will be played in the four flights, for a number of flight prizes and special trophies.
Frank M. Connelly of the Woodhead Lumber Company, 5720 South Main St.l Los Angeles, is looking after reiervitions.
Clint Laughlin Wears Happy Grin
The glad news burst forth a few days ago, from the genial C. J. (Clint) Laughlin, California manager for the Long Bell Lumber Company at San Francisco, of the arrival on February 14th, of a fine eight pound baby girl at his house. '
Needless to say, Clint's face is reflecting his happy mood. This is the third child in the Laughlin home, all girls. Mrs. I-aughlin and the babe are making splendid progress.'
Herm Tells 'Em About Screens
The monthly'surprise meeting' of the Los Angeles lfoo Hoo Club, on February llth, proved a real surprise and a delightful hour and a half.
President Wickersham introduced Hermah L. Rosenberg, Past Vicegerent of the L. A. District, present State Councillor, and one of the heads of the Hipolito Company, Los Ange.les.
Herman told the boys all about screens, the process of manufacture, the many details entering into the construction, the extreme care used in the selection of materials, and told of the varieties of screen and other materials used. He also gave some interesting facts about the new labor saving devices being installed in their own plant, to further increase their production.
Twohy Lumber Co.

221 Kerckhoff Bldg. Los Angeles, BDwy. 0843
CARGO-Fir, Rcdwoo4 Sugar Piac-RAIL
We can always aupply Fir Columne and Drain Boarde from etock
Exclueive Southern California Agente E. J. DODGE