4 minute read
Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Initiate Thirty
Distinguished List of Kittens-Fifteen ReinstatementsEntertainment Features Greatly Enjoyed
Thirty thirsty and hungry youngsters in the land of Hoo Ifoo were given the light of day at the Concatenation held by tn-e Los Angeles District on the night of February 15th.
It was a hotable party, from manv angles.
First, there were well over two hundred men in attendance, a surprisingly large number of the local boys and a gratifying attendance from neighboring districts, San Diego and Orange County.
From the first crack of the gong there was action. The show, in the hands of Leo J. Germain of the Germain Lumber Company, started promptly at 7:30. Leo has some mighty good ideas of entertainment, and made good his promises to have something different. Three snappy threeround bouts, by clever boys from the Newsboy's Club of Los Angeles, together with vocal and violin music by other members of the same aggregation, made up this part of the program. Fred Golding, head of the Fred Golding Lumber Company, acted as referee. Leo injected additional interest in the bouts by declaring one of the principals to be a retailer and the other a wholesaler. Naturally there was lots of cheering, betting and good natured kidding by the old Cats.
Vicegerent Hart started his part of the party at eight- thirty. The Nine was well rehearsed, were all new to the work and behaved likeveterans. The Ritual work was given in a very impressive manner, put through snappily and then the poor uhfortunates were given over to Frank J. Connolly of the \Mestern Hardwood Lumber Company and his committee, for the further tests of the initiation.
There is probably not a man of the thirty who does not agree that he joined something that night. Frank was ably assisted by Herm Rosenberg of the Hipolito Company and Tad Jacobs of the Lumbermen's Reciprocal Association.
This was followed bv a buffet lunch. and then the usual after dinner diversions held attention.
Much credit is due the Entertainment Committee, Leo J. Germain; the Location Committee, Rollins A Brown ; and the Initiation Committee.
The Nine consisted of : Phil. B. Hart, "Cali{ornia Lumber Merchant". .Vicegerent
Rollins -{. Brown, Hardwood Lumber....Senior Hoo Hoo
$_X. Parsons, C. Ganahl Lumber Co.....Junior Hoo Hoo
W. W. Wilkinson. Wholesale Lumber. .Arcanoper
J. M. Bfihler, J. M. Buhler Lumber Co.... .Gurdon
Leo. J. Germain, Germain Lumber Co.........Jabberwock
Harry V. Hanson, Calif. Panel Co.. Scrivenoter
Walter Best, Southern Calif. Hardwood Co...Custocation
Walter Scrim, Kolambugan Lumber and Dev. Co...Bojum
Richard Albano-Woodhead Lumber Co.
Jacob Frank Arnold-Millwork Institute.
Elmer Lawrence Bauer-Bauer-Geib Lumber Company.
Alfred E,. Rigelow-Hepburn-Topham Mill Co.
Hobart Elwell Brown-Rollins A. Brown Comoanv.
Charles Fred Dill-Wm. M. Wilson Lumber io.
William Henry Finke-Millwork Institute.
Ernest W. Gould-Inglewood Lumber Company.
Frand Brett Harris-Lounsberry-Harris Lumber Co.
Edrvin Pairl Hill-Lounsberry-Harris Lumber Co.
Arnold Edward Hilmer-Nickev Bros.. Inc:
Oscar Merrino Hogland-Kling Company.
Richard Chester Hughes-Southwestern Lumber Co.
Peter Kramer-E. J. Stanton & Son.
Norman Russell Lambert-Woodhead Lumber Company.
Sidney Morton Levee-Red Arrow Company.
Clinton Otto Limecooley-C. G. Limecooley & Son.
George Lounsberry-Lounsberry-Harris Lumber Co.
Maxwell Earl Mahannah-Nickey Bros., fnc.
Arville Cure McKinney-E. T. Stanton & Son.
Albert Rideout Pierce--I. Stlphenson Co.
David Franklin Ross-Owens-Parks Lumber Co.
John James Saul-Owens-Parks Lumber Co.
Burton R. Sims-Red Arrow Company.
Albert Florenz Stangor-Bauer-Geib Lumber Co.
William Jacob Stangor-Bauer-Geib Lumber Co.
David Herbert Stutzma'n-E. I. Stanton & Son.
Harold Marion Schweitert-H-awthorne Furn. Shops.
George Herman Schweitzer-Frank Graves S. D. & M. Company.
George Jarvis Williams-Walnut Park Lumber Co.
Harry Durant rn Lumber co.
Earl Eugeng S6\Mrn4n-Cadwallader-Gibson Co.
Louie Machinery Bradley-Jerome Hardwood Lumber Company.
Elbur L. Cooper-Union Lumber Company.
Robert Forgie-Robert Forgie Company.
George Edward Geary-E. J. Stantbn & Son.
Jerome M. Higman-Southwestern Lumber Co.
Patrick Houstoun-Federal Mutual Insurance Co.
Jesse Roy Hufbauer-Red Arrow Company.
George A.Hunter-Millwork Institute.
Charles M. Kellog-Kellog Lumber Co.
Walter G. Mitchell-Nickey Bros. fnc.
Chase Montgomery-Owens-Parks Lumber Co.
Ola Burton Pennington-Woodhead Lumber Company.
James Delos Rickard-Red River Lumber Co.
Geoffrey R. Tully-d. W. Smith Lumber Co.
,n HAT ir what hundredr of lumber and build. I ing material dealere all ovcr the Wert will tell you. For architectt and contractors are recommending and uring Califelt Inrulation. Ownerr are demanding it. They recognize itr efficiency in deadening cound and inrulating againrt cold and heat.
Califelt comes in rolls 48 incher widc and 50 feet tong, hence easily stocked. Thit Proven hair'falt insulation i. stitched in between two eheetl of 80 lb. eaturated felt paper. When you delivcr it on the job, it ir rcady for quick, convenient aP' plication-being eaeily cut by a pair of rhearr or a fine tooth raw.
Why not t'cesh in" on the growing demand for thir guaranteed inrulation. Stock Califelt NOW. Then let your curtomera know you are handling it. Incrcarcd rales and profite will be yours.

R€d Cedar Shingles
Muuf*tund By
Hatten Starts On Lengthy Trip
Mr. T. B. Hatten, head of the T. B. Hatten Company, Los Angeles wholesale distributors of all kinds of doors, panels, etc., left home of the 17th of February, with Mrs. Hitten, on the start of a seven weeks journey to Europe.
Prominent Texan Visits California
Mr. Edward Wicks, president of the Wicks Lumber Company, Houston, has been in Southern California for the past two weeks, visiting friends.
Mr. Wicks was gaily hailed by the Los Angeles papers. on his arrival, and was met at the train by a delegation of friends who had provided the distinguished visitor with an old time stage coich for conveyance to his hotel. It is commonly understood that Mr. Wicks has no use for automobiles and that in his home town of Houston he drives his coach and four.
Frank Connelly Among Those Present
Frank M. Connelly, who sells a lot of hardwood flooring in Southern California for "Woody", artd who is the hard u'orking Treasurer of the Hoo Hoo Golf Tournament, is on his feet again after two weeks of the "flu".
Frank is taking reservations for the Tournament to be held at the San Gabriel Country Club on March 5th.
Wick Likes The Merchant
"I enjoy reading your magazine exceedingly and, in fact, there is always a toss up between it and the Digest for the most prominent position in our bookcase. Wishing you many years of prosperity."
W. B. WICKERSHAM, Los Angeles.