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Vagabond Editorials
(Continued from Page 6)
Deafening applause greet the next couple. The crowd grows almost hysterical in its maudlin sentiment. They are engaged to be married, so the crowd coyly whispers. When? Oh, just as soon as her divorce from her fourth husband becomes final. He already has his final papers from his third wife. Gushing, isn't it? Yea, friends, these moulders of public opinion via the cinema route shall soon enter into the holy (?) bonds of matrimony.
What a book might O" *rr** rf the lives and characters of these movie folks who pass through those Kleig lights, stop to speak into the "Mike", bow to the plaudits of the crowd, and prance proudly to their seats within the theatre-where once again they are the sum and center of all human attention. Such a spectacle furnishes mighty opportunity for menlal gymnastics anent what this country is coming to when the people who must make this land-we common folks-bow the suppliant knee to crown with glory a lot of mortals of strange antecedents, peculiar personalities, and fantastic back-ground.
Still, it shows that the world has improved. fn the olden time the rabble bowed before those whom accident, brute force, or some other unrighteous thing had made great, while, whatever their faults and their frailities may be, these new American idols of ours are at the worst self-made in every instance, holding individually to their respective po' sitions by personal prowess of some sort or another. They are self-made, and, if they worship their maker, the fault is ours for having spoiled them with obsequious adulation.
So we won't worry because the crowd broke their backs and strained their throats to see and cheer an ex-Oklahoma bartender, and an ex-some-other-city manicurist, who possess all the foibles and weaknesses of their venerable professions. Rah for them ! Volstead forced the bartender to seek some other professsion; and some guy who feared not the Mann Act brought the lady to Hollywood, and gave her her chance. Let us build shrines and adore them!