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EpRESENTINe more than one half the total Oak Flooring production of the United Statee, Southern Oak Flooring Industriee atttrouncee its organization and the beginning of active operatione February I, 1931.
Southern Oak Flooring fndustriee has,for its pu4rose the conduct of an aggressive trade promotion and advertieing program which will be national in ecope. In addition to employing the customary media along traditional linee, an important departure will be inaugurated at once, through the exteneive use of newspaper dieplay space and a series of radio broadcasts from powerful stationa selected for strategic location.
Ihis lrod e Mork Brings You the Welcome Messoge of Correcf Drying
Accurofe Monufocfure ond Alert Merchondising
Arkansag Oak Flooring Company E.L.BruccCompcny Plne 81uf,, ArL MraPhb,Tem
Throughout the plan, emphaeis will be laid on the fact that the productg of Southem Oak Flooring Induetrieg are sold through retail lumber dealere. \Fe invite our dealer friende to join with ue in making thie campaign an outstanding aucceEs and aegure them of effective, underetanding cooperation in meeting their salee probleme.
The Trade Mark featured in thie announcement will be a prominent element in the advertising program and will be applied to all etock manufactureil by the member mills of Southern Oak Flooring Induetriee.
Vrite today for our New and, Usetul Folder on OokFlooring SalesPoints and EeIp Us Help You Step up Your Sales.
Crosctt Lumbcr Cornpaay (rolrrtt, Arlc Fordycc Lunbcr Company Fodyce, ArL
Kcllogg Lumbcr Comprny Long-Bcll Lumber Salcl Corp. Mcmphis Hardwood Flooring Co. Monroc, Lc.
Kqnror Clty, Mo.
Perfcction Oak Flooring Co. Shrevcood, Lq.
Southcrn Pine Lumbcr Co. Trrcrlclq, Trxcl fcxcs Oalt Flooring Co, Dcllqr, Trrsr
MrmpbL, Trnn.
Nashvlllc Hardwood Flooring Co. Norhvllle,fenr
Dicrks Lumbcr & Cocl Co. l(orucr Clty, Mo.