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Southern California Lumbermen Play Golf
"Pick" Maule Vins Low Grcss Trophy. T. S. Lee Low Net Winner.
"Pick" Maule, Pacific Door & Sash Co., Los Angeles, was the winner of the low gross prize, The Frank Burnaby Cup, at the Southern California Lumbermen's Golf Tournament held at the Brentwood Country Club, :.. on Fridav afternoon. Februarv Brentwood Heights, Calif., on Friday afternoon, February 20. T. S. Lee, Hammond Lumber Company, Los Angeles, won the low net prize, The California Lumber Merchant C.tp. Sixty took part in the tournament.
. The winners of the flight events were as follows: First Flight-first prize, Harry Graham, H. A. Graham Lumber Co., Long Beach; second prize, "Cappy" Slade, S. E. Slade Lumber Co., Los Angeles; Second Flight-first prize, I.eo Rosenberg, Hipolito Company, Los Angeles; second prize, C. B. Lyods, Ifammond Lumber Company, Los Angeles; Third Flight-first prize, Harvey Bowles, Long Bell Lumber Company, Los Angeles; second prize, Roy Meyers, Sun Lumber Company, Ventura; Fourth Flight-first prize, L. A. Bark, Los Angeles; second prize, Tom Dant, Dant & Russell, Inc., Los Angeles.
Following the dinner which rvas held at the club house