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Redwood Firms Announce estern Pine Manufacturers Merger

(Continued from Page 17) wood Company. The members of the Dusenbury and Wheeler families, now actively interested in this company, belong to the third generation of these families, which have been closely associated in the lumber business from the time, nearly a hundred years ago, when their grandfathers went as pioneers to Western New York and Pennsylvania, then an undeveloped wilderness, abounding in pine timber, and began operations on the Allegheny River. The association between the Bronson and Weston interests reaches back to 1840, when they built sawmills at Ottawa, Canada, and wholesale yards at North Tonawanda, N. Y. The Wheeler, Weston and DeGraff interests were associated for many years at Manistique, Michigan, where they operated large mills and a fleet of lumber steam'ers on the Great Lakes-

The present merger unites not only two long established and strong operating Redwood companies, but brings together in common interest a group of families of unusual, varied experience and high tradition in the lumber world and other industrial activities, who give an equally unusual background of stability and permanence.to the new organization.

The importance to the State of California of the interests involved will be appreciated when it is realized that in their California operations the companies now consolidating have 3,500 employees lvith an annual payroll of over ff,500,000.00.

It is the hope of the nevi' company that this merger will help in the stabilization of the Redwood industry. Stabilization spells continuous employment for the wage earner, elimination of waste in the forest, assures a longer preservation of the virgin stand, the reforestation oI unsightly cutover lands, and a continuing source of taxable wealth.

A. A. Gay Made General Manager

A. A. Gay, who has for some time been manag'er of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co.'s mill at St. Helens, Ore., has been made general manag'er of all the McCormick lumber manufacturing operations at Port Gamble and Port Ludlow, Wash., and at St. Helens. He succeeds J. W. Thompson, who has resigned.

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