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Hardwood Manufacturers Moore Dry Kiln Co. Ship Hold Annual Meeting Equipment to India

At the ninth annual convention of the Hardwood Manufacturersl Institute held at Memphis, Tenn., on January 29 and 30, the following officers were elected: presidentGeorge H. Ifenderson, Angelina County Lumber Co., Keltys, Tex.; first vi,ce-president-B. B. Burns, RitterBurns _Lut!"t Co., Huntington, W. Va.; second vice-presi- dent-V. M. Scanlan, Lamir Lumber Co., Bogalusa, L".; flsxsslss-H. C. Dewey, Chapman & Dewey Lumber Co., Memphis, Tenn.

Directors elected were: Three Year Term-Fred Bringardaer, Bringardner Lumb,er Co., Lexington, Ky.; Lee Robinson, Mobile River Saw Mill Co., Mt. Vernon, Ala.; Ky.; P_. P. Joyes, W. P. Brown & Sons Lumber Co., Louisville, Ky.; F. W. Reimers. Pearl River Vallev Lumber Co. Ham- Reimers, Valley Co., Ham- mond, La.; I. W. Bailey, Eastman-Gardiner Ilardwood Co., Laurel, Miss.; C. W. Boyd, Virginia Hardwood Lumbei Co., Tazewell, Va.; Chester Korn, Korn Co., Sumter, S. C. One year term-E. M. Vestal, Vestal Lumber & Manufacturing_Co., Knoxville, Tenn.; Gordon Reynolds, Reynolds Bros. Lumber Co., Albany, Ga. J. H. Townsend, ixecutive vice-president, was reelected.


- Walter-C._Ball, J. R. Hanifl Co., San Francis,co, spent a few days 4 lgr A_n_geles during the latter part of February. Accompanied by Wendell Brown, their Southern Califoinia representative, they called on the trade in'the Los Angeles distri,ct. While in the Southland, Mr. Ball made his headquarters at the company's Los Angeles office.

Are you getting your share of this fast-growing business?

THE re-enforced waterproof paper Sisalkraft is r rapidly gaining populadty all over rhe state for backing stucco and for ot'her uses.

Plasterers like it because it is so easy to put on . . because it saves backpatching because it saves plaster by eliminating belly-backs and because it puts added value into a building-value that can be eisily demonstrated.

Vith Sisalkraft back of the stucco, driving rain does not soak through to damage the interior wall. Even if it cost a lot more than a cheap paper, it would be well worth it. Yet Sisalkraft costs little more than 15.1b. felt, and it makes possible savings that often actually save the plasterefs money. Reg. U. S. Pat Ofi. "nr.ore thqn a building paper,

The Moore Dry Kiln Company of North Portland, Oregon, and Jacksonville, Florida, recently shipped from their North Portland plant some dry kiln equipment for experimental dry kiln installation at the Forest Research Institute and College, Dehra Dun, India. Dr. S. N. Kapor, who is in charge of seasoning operations at the College, made an extended visit to the United States over a year ago studying in particular kiln drying systems as used in this country.

The resear,ch kiln will be of Moore's Reversible Cross Circulation type with feature of controllable rate of air cir,culation as well as automati,c temperature and humidity control. The kiln will be used principally in research work in the drying of the valuable hardwoods which constitute the principal forests of India.

Elected President of Santa / Monica Kiwanis Club

Vpr^nk O. Kranz, president of the Golden State Lumber Co., Santa Monica, Calif., is the newly elected president of the Santa Monica Kiwanis Club. Mr. Kranz is i graduate of the University of Southern California College of Business Administration, and together with his father and brother organized the Golden State Lumber Co. in l9Zl.

Arp you getting your share of this nice business?

If you :ue not aheady handling Sisalkraft send in your list of plastering contractors with an initial order. Our sales promotion plan helps you to sell Sisalkraft.

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