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Cantor and Fiefds

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At a dinner the other night given in honor of the birthday of the great comedian W. C. Fields, the famous Hebrew comedian, Eddie Cantor, told a story that brought down the house.

He told of the old days when he and Fields were stars in "The Follies" for year after year. Cantor lived with an old Aunt in New York City, and lived in an orthodox Jewish atmosphere, eating kosher food, and following closely the prec€pts of his fathers.

Frequently after the shdti/ dt night Fields would suggest to Cantor that they go out'aryrd eat together. Since he stuck to kosher food, Cantor a'fways declined. One night Fields said to him: "Well, if you're going to go kosher on me and won't go along with me, why not take me along wittr you?"

Cantor said: "Will you go?" Fields said "Sute."

So they went to a kosher restaurant. Fields said: "Well, what are we going to eat?" Cantor said: "I'm going to have a plate of chopped liver." Fields said: "That's good enough for me." So Cantor watched Fields, who is a big eater as well as a big drinker, clean the plate of chopped liver and lick his lips to get the last of the goose grease. Then Fields asked the waitress to bring him another plate of chopped liver. He ate that also with much gusto. Then he wiped his mouth and turned to Cantor.

"Eddie," he said, "that stuff's too damn good for you Jews."

Cost ol Building Materials Still Below "Normal"

Washington, D. C., February l5-Building materials, which represent approximately 55 per cent of a structure's final cost, are still priced far below costs for the so-callecl "normal" year of 1926, and last year's figures showed a decline of 6 per cent from the preceding year's costs, a study of the U. S. Department of Labor statistics reveals.

Making public these figures here today, the National Retail Lumber Dealers Association, national organization of the country's 23,00O lumber and building material dealers, pointed to the advantages to prospective home owners who plan'to build on today's market.

The cost index figures compiled by the Bureau of Labor Statistics for 1938, just made public, show that building materials as a group stood at 9O.3 for the year, on the basis of the 1926 average of 100. This is a decline of approximately six per cent from the 1937 average cost figure.

The significance of this decline on the total cost of a dwelling was stressed by Frank Carnahan, national secretary of the dealers'organization. In the field of lorv cost housing, in which the association anticipates greatest activity during 1939, such a drop represents an important factor. he asserted.

"In the face of propaganda intimating that building costs are on the rise," Mr, Carnahan declared, "these Federal statistics speak for themselves. They show that the cost of building materials is still far belorv normal, and that the trend over the past two years has been downward."

Flood Control and \(/ater Conservation Problems are Studied

San Francisco, Feb. 12.-A forest influences seminar opened at the San Dimas Experimental Forest out of Glendora. At Forest Service headquarters here it was stated that at least 50 research foresters, engineers and foresters would study the broad field of watershed management during the two weeks that the group will be in session.

Officers of the U. S. Forest Service administrative headquarters and experimental stations have come from Washington, D. C., and field offices throughout the country.

Particular discussion will be given to "a more comprehensive unclerstanding of Southern California and lower San Joaquin Valley watershed problems, the intimate association of research and management and a sharper picture of problems pressing for immediate solution," it was announced at the office of Regional Forester S. B. Shorv. ,,However," Mr. Show added, "climatic studies, analyses of water and erosion problems and influences of forest covers on water productivity and usability in all regions of the United States will be discussed by the research and engineering experts.

"We want to clevelop guiding principles and determine acceptable techniques. We are seeking improvement in our activities through clearer thinking, sharper observations, integration and a better understanding of objectives."

The seminar will have a broad influence on experimental determination and practical application of methods developed by the Forest Service to offer a solution of fl,ood control and water conservation probleins. Recoids reveal that floods were of major concern to Southern California inhabitants as far back as 18@. The direct cause of most floods has been heavy rainfall on vast areas left barren by forest fires which burned over the chaparral watersheds, foresters point out.

B. J. Boorman

Benjamin J. Boorman, 70, rvell known East Bay lumberman, passed away in Oakland, February 16, following an illness of several weeks.

Mr. Boorman, who was president of the Boorman Lumber Company, Oakland, was a native of Wisconsin. Before coming to California about 16 years d$o he was in the retail lumber business in Montaria. He was a inember of the Montana legislature for two terms and was active in moves to bring about statehood for Montana.

He was a past president of the Western Retail Lumbermen's Association and a former clirector of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association.

Mr. Boorman was active in community affairs in the Elmhurst district of Oakland, and was a charter member of Elmhurst Lodge, No. 610, F. & A. M., and Elmhurst Chapter, No. 455, O. E. S.

He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Clista Boorman, a son, Jack Boorman, and trvo brothers, James Boorman, Oaklancl, and H. M. Boorman, Atlantic, fowa.

Funeral services, held in Oakland, February 20, were attended by a large number of lumbermen.

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