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DXSTRIBUTORS in Northern Cclilorniq for
Eullelen Lbr. & lltlg. h. TccomcL Wcrsh.
Rcrised PcrnelRcised Mould Verticcl Grcin Fir
Philippine Mcrhogcmy
Sth & Cypress Sts., Oakland-TEmplebar 84OO
Dock and \fharf Co. Promotes C. L. Tilley Swift Berry Re-Elected Prasident
Charles L. Tilley will become operative head of the Outer Harbor Dock & Wharf Co. and the Outer Harbor Terminal Railway Co. at Los Angeles Harbor on March 1, succeeding F. J. McGowen, who resigned as general manager to devote his full time as president of the Waterfront Employers' Association of Southern California.
Mr- Tilley has been office manager of both companies and active assistant to Mr. McGowen for the past eight years. Previously he had been with the Pacific Motor Transport Co. after being graduated from the University of Southern California.
T. B. Lawrence, Lawrence-Philips Lumber Co., Los Angeles, left February 26 f.or New York. He is making the trip east by way of the Panama Canal on the company's steamer "Josephine Lawrence." This vessel, which formerly operated in the coastwise lumber and general cargo trade, is taking a full cargo of lumber to the North Atlantic coast and will operate in the Atlantic coastwise trade for six months after arrival. Mr. Lawrence will be in New York for three or four weeks.
Philippine Mahogany Hearings
The Federal Trade Commission held meetings on the Philippine Mahogany case in Los Angeles and San Francisco last week. Hearings have also been held in Kansas City, Denver, Seattle and Portland.
Swift Berry, Michigan-California Lumber Co., Canino, Calif., was re-elected president of the Western Pine Association at its annual meeting in Portland, Ore., February 15.
John R. Gray, Spokane, Wash., general manager of The Diamond Match Company operations in California and Washington, and J. G. McNary, McNary, Arizona, president, Southwest Lumber Mills, Inc., and past president of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, were elected vice-presidents. Truman W. Collins, Grande Ronde Pine Co., Pondosa, Ore., was re-elected treasurer, and S. V. Fullaway, Jr., Fortland, Ore., was re-elected secretarymanager.
"Fe"rror" Critters"
Have you ever been on a Snipe Hunt? Have you seen the work of the Sliver Cat? Perhaps the drone of the Whirling Whimpus has raised goose-pimples orf you. Fearsome Critters, by H. H. Tryon, with complete illustrations, details the various legendary varmints of the North Woods.
Mr. Tryon has spent the past 3O years collecting and verifying these woodsmen's tales. If you are a woodsman, they will recall your days in the tall timber; if you're not, they will give you a glimpse of a hitherto unrevealed side of woods lore.
The book is published by Idlewild Press, Cornwall, N. Y. It sells for $2.00 per copy.