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News Flashes
Elmer Rossman, president, Rossman Mill & Lumber Co., Wilmington, was a recent San Francisco visitor, traveling both ways by airplane.
Joe Rolando, Rolando Lumber Company, San Francisco, and Jimmie Lyons, Mill B. I.nc., North Bend, Ore., spent two weeks in Los Angeles on business, taking a little time out to attend the races at Santa Anita.
Ed Middleton, manager, Anderson-Middleton Lumber Co., Aberdeen, Wash., is vacationing in Los Angeles.
Ray Hill, Lawrence-Philips Lumber Co., Los Angeles, is spending a few weeks in the Northwest. He traveled north on the company's steamer, "Lawrence-Philips."
W. W. Davies, Phoenix, Arizona representative for Pope & Talbot Lumber Co., was a visitor at the company's Los Angeles office
Joe Scorpic, Valley Lumber, Fuel & Ariz., was in Los Angeles for a few around the middle of February.
Feed Co., Phoenix, days on business
Ed Von Tobel, Ed Von Tobel Lumber Co., Las Vegas, Nevada, is on a six weeks' trip to Miami, Florida.
John Connolly, Verdi Lumber vada, recently spent a few days
Dufi Hansen, Hansen Lumber Company, Riverside, is on a trip to Nebraska.
Warren B. Wood, E. K. Wood geles, is spending a few weeks at Anacortes, Wash.
Lumber Co., Los Anthe company's mill in
Carl W. Hornibrook, sales manager, Ewauna Box Company, Klamath Falls, Ore., has returned from an extended business trip to the Mississippi Valley and other Eastern points.
Roland R. Pool has taken a position with the California Lumber Company at Montebello. He was formerly with the Maywood Builders Supply Co. at Maywood.
E. O. Conrad, Stillwater, Minn., tioning in Los Angeles. lumberman. is vaca-
E. E. Johnson, Coquille, Ore., Northwest lumberman' spent two weeks in Long Beach visiting his son, Philip Johnson, who is with the Olympic Refining Co.
John Sundquist of the New Willamina, Ore., was a recent Grande Ronde Lumber Co., visitor to San Francisco. Company, Tonopah, Nein San Francisco.
Harlan Wentworth is now with the Valley Wrecking Co. at Van Nuys. IIe was formerly with W. M. Dary Co. of Long Beach.
G. D. Causeman is successor to the John C. Light Lumber Co. at Miami, Ariz. After spending sixty-three years in the lumber business, during which he operated a yard at Miami for twenty-five years of this time, Mr. Light retired from active business on last January 1.
Lower prices thcrt result lrom elficiency in mcrrcgement crnd production benelit producers ond consumers olike, but lower prices thcrt cre the result ol "chiseling" ol the laborer cnrd the sqcrilice oI foir profits, ruin business crnd degrcde the stondcnds of the industry.
Folder Shows New Developments in Sliding and Folding Doors
A folder containing many new details of disappearing doors has just been issued by E. C. Pitcher Company, 557 Market Street, San Francisco, manufacturers of sliding door hardware and frames. The folder shows models designed for Class "A" buildings and other structures down to the five room bungalow, where saving of space is accomplished with very little extra cost.
Three models of sliding door frames and hangers are manufactured to suit all classes of buildings, one of steel for class "A" construction, one of part steel and wood, and one of all wood at a cost comparable to the ordi.nary swinging door. All of these can be placed in the regular Sr/a-inch wall.
All of these door frames have the adjustable feature, so essential for raising and adjusting a new door. They also l-rave 3-inch ball-bearing wheels, pressure lubricated, and run almost noiselessly with just a touch of the hand.
Pitcher sliding door hardware can be used to hang any width of door. The heavy duty style is usecl on lalge. doors.
Tandem doors and folding doors, accordion style, are easily installed with this hardware.
Pitcher sliding door hardware is handled by the trade.
Southern California distributors are T. E. Dwan. 616
27/o to 5O/o morc capaciry due to solid edge-to-edge stacking.
Bcacr quelity drying on low tcnpcraturer rith a fast rcvcrribrc circulation.
Lowcr sracLing colts--just solid edge-to-cdgc stacking in the rimplcct form.
Booth-Kelly Douglas Fir, the Association grade and trade mark certify to your customers the quality of the stock you handle. Builders quit guessing about what they're buying, and buy where they know what they're getting.
General Sales Oftce: Eugene, Ore.
MiUs: Wendling, Ore., Springfield, Ore.
Kolor-Fast Nu-\flood a Fade'Proof lnterior Finish Announced
The Wood Conversion Company, manufacturers of Nu-Wood and Balsam\Mool, has just announced Kolor-Fast Nu-Wood a new improvement in insulating interiof finish. It is stated that this new product is the first of its type for rvhich fade-Proof qualities are claimed. These claims are based on severe tests bY national- cessful in Sta-Lite' The bevel at the joint is less obtrusive and more refined.
"In order to be sure of the fade-proof qualities of KolorFast Nu-Wood, we subjected it to the most severe tests we could find. The product has been tested by exposure for mbnths under the strong tropical sun in addition to other standard laboratory tests. We have checked it against all types of fabrics, wall papers and other commercial products-which claim to have these qualities' Such comparisons have impressed us with the extremely high qualities of this product."
Mr. Ward further stated that a new clip system for blind nailing with the new tongue and grove joint is noln' available. hhe clip is so designed that it can be used in either the tongue or the groove. This, he said, was of'major importance, because with the clip, the contractor could coniinue to lay Tile and Plank in the same manner he rvas accustomed io without the necessity of driving nails through the face at the edges of the Tile and Plank'
Plank in variegated and tan colors. Nu-Wood Kolor-Fast Board is available in tan. The colors are richer and clearer than before' The over-all colors are slightly lighter giving the material a higher light reflection value in keeping with the modern tendency in interior decoration.
In announcing Kolor-Fast Nu-Wood, P' A' Ward, general sales manager, said: "Nu-Wood Kolor-Fast is the result of years of development work, aimed definitely at producing a product which could be considered a lifetime interior decoration. Heretofore, all insulating interior finish board materials have been subject to oxidization which resttlted over a period of years in darkening of the material'
"The announcement of Nu-Wood Sta-Lite just a year ago \\ras the first step in the development of fade-proof qialities in insulating interior finish' This product has prolred the possibility of fade-proof interior finish, so the irext step of making variegatecl colors of the same qualities u,as inevitable.
"In Kolor-Fast Nu-Wood, rve have succeeded in retaining the attractive texture of Nu-Wood' We have imp.o,r"J the colors' On the Plank and Tile we have put " ,r"* tongue and joint treatment which proved so suc-
The new Nu-Wood Kolor-Fast will replace the present Nu-Wood Variegated Tile and Plank' The company' however, will continue to furnish the old type of Nu-Wood to fill out stocks. Further inlormation on this new product may be obtained from the Wood Conversion Company' Saint Paul, Minnesota.
A. A. Tomlinson Passes On
A. A. Tomlinson, secretary-treasurer and general manager of the Pacific Wood Products Corporation' I-os Angeier, passed away Tuesday, February 27, follo'n'ing a short iliness. He was 46 years of age and a native of Iowa.
IIe was a Lieutenant in the Quartermaster Corps during the World \Mar, and after the war he came to Los Angeles r,vhere he was with the Los Angeles Examiner' He was associated with the Pacific wood Products corporation since 1930.
He is survived by his widow, Mrs' Esther Tomlinson; a daughter, Mary; his mother; three sisters, and a brother' Funlral services will be at 12:3O p.m', Friday, March 1' from the Little Church of the Flowers, Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Glendale. Lumbermen's Post No' 'lO3 of the American Legion will be in charge of the services'
PHILIP A. ANDREWS, vice-president of Johns-Manville Sales Corporation died on February 20 of injuries sustained when he was struck by a train at the New Rochelle station. Mr. Andrews, who was 45 years of age, resided in New Rochelle, New York.
Born in Nashua, N. H., Mr. Andrews rose to his executive position with Johns-Manville after beginning his career at the company's factory at Nashua in 1912. During his twenty-eight years with the company his work took him through practically every phase of its operations, and at his death he was executive vice-president in charge of the building materials and general sales department.
He is survived by his widow and three daughters.
ELMER HAYES RULISON, Los Angeles, 63 years of age, passed away suddenly on Febrrrary 20 from uremic poisoning. He was born in Burlingame, Kansas.
Mr. Rulison had been associated with the retail lumber business in Los Angeles for the past seventeen years where he operated the Rulison Lumber Company.
He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Blossom L. Rulison, and a daughter, Mrs. Helen P. Runyan.
PIERCE PHILLIPS, 29, passed away at his home in Sunnyvale, Calif., on February 16.
He was born in Palo Alto and had been associated with' the Wightman Lumber Company, Sunnyvale, for some time.
He is survived by his widorv, Mrs. Wilma Phillips, his mother. two sisters and a brother.