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"Colif. Pcnel" is the oldest exclusive Plywood Distributor in the West cmd is constontly growing. Such progress cqn only be mode possible through our policy of corrying o well diversified stock qnd rendering on intelligent qnd economicol service to our mqny Deqler customers. Our quolity cmd service ore "tops" ond our prices cre competitive. For prolits ond real scrtisfoction coll "Cclif. Pcmel" whenever you need plywood.


TclcpbncTRinitT cr.57 hleilkgAddrcst. P. O. Box 96, Arcadc Setion IOS ANGEI FS. CALIFORNIA

Steamer Cornelia Sold

San Francisco, Feb. 19.-The lumber coaster Cornelia, better known as the John C. Kirkpatrick, which operated in the trade out of this port for many years for the late Andrew Mahony, u'as sold at a United States Marshal's sale held in Seattle last week. The purchaser was David H. Girdwood, Northwest shipping man, who paid $9,200 Ior the 809 net tons steamer. It is reported the ship will undergo repairs and be dispatched to United Kingdom ports with a lumber cargo.


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