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Concatenation HeId at Sacramento

Sacramento Hoo'Hoo CIub Organized

One of the largest Hoo-Hoo Concatenations held in California in many years took place in the Elks Club, Sacramento, on the afternoon of February 10.

As a result of the fine organization work of E. S. McBride, Davis Lumber Co., Davis, Vicegerent Snark of the Sacramento district. and his able committee, a class of 33 candidates was initiated into the mysteries of HooI{oo, and 13 old cats were reinstated.

The 33 new members of the Order represent all of the lumber yards in Sacramento, being for the most part o\,vners, managers or assistant managers.

Unique in the history of Hoo-Hoo is the fact that all of the kittens were endorsed by three past Snarks of the U'niverse, Frank Trower, Dick Hiscox and Charlie LeMaster.

Sacramento Hoo-Hoo Club Formed

Following the Concatenation Sacramento Hoo-Hoo Club No. 109 was organized with 60 charter members, all meml;ers of International Hoo-Hoo in good standing.

The charter of the new club lvas presented by Larue J. Woodson, San Francisco, Supreme Arcanoper.

The officers of the new club are as follows:

President-Charles Shepard, Friend & Terry Lumber Co.. Sacramento.

\rice-president-A. B. Atkinson, Oak Park Lumber Co., Sacramento.

Secretary-treasurer-H. A. Pefley, Sacramento Lumberrren's Club, Sacramento.

Directors-George Adams, Noah Adams Lumber Co., M/alnut Grove, Calif.; Crawford Cox, Knox Lumber Co', Sacramento, and llomer Derr, Derr Lumber Co., Elk Grove, Calif.

There was a big attendance at the evening dinner at .rvhich Mr. McBride presided. Sitting at the head table was A. B. Williamson of Galt, Calif., whose Hoo-Hoo number is 210. He is the oldest member from the standpoint of service on the Pacific Coast, and the second oldest in the United States.

Also at the head table were A. f. "Gus" Russell, Santa

Fe Lumber Co., San Francisco; Jas. B. Overcast, Oakland, president of East Bay Hoo-Hoo Club No. 39; B. E' Bryan, C)akland, Vicegerent Snark for San Francisco Bay district, and George M. Cornwall of The Timberman. A1l of these made short talks and Gus Russell told some humorous stories in his inimitable way.

Altogether the meeting was an enthusiastic one, giving promise of many such get-together gatherings for lumbermen in the Sacramento Valley district under the banner of Hoo-Hoo.

The 33 new members initiated were the following:

Wm. Ruel Lathrop, Noah Adams Lumber Co.......Walnut Grove

Ray Burdge, Noah Adams Lurnber Company..... '..Walnut Grove

Geo. K. Adams, Noah Adams Lumber Company....Walnut Grove

Frank H. Watson, Hobbs Wall Lumber Co.........San Francisco

G. A. Prestley, Wright & Prestley Lumber Co.'....'..Sacramento

Geo. James Fuller, Fuller Lumber & Supply Co.......Sacramento

LeRoy J. Miller, Burnett & Sons. ...'..Sacramento

Mel A. Hirsch, Dolan Building Materials Co..'...'....Sacramento

Severin Johnson, Capital Lumber Co..... .......Sacramento

Signar Lindroth, Capital Lumber Co..... .......Sacramento

Charles L. Shepard, Friend & Terry Lumber Co.. ' Sacramento

Carl D. Hagge Superior Lum,ber & Fuel Co......'....Sacramento

Frank H. Allen, Superior Lumber & Fuel Co...........Sacramento

Russell E. Tracy, Tracy Lumber & Supply Co.........Sacramento

Crawford Cox, Knox Lumber Co..... ..Sacramento

Paul M. Norbryhn, Sacramento Lumber Co...........Sacramento

Daniel F. Clare Clare Lumber Co'.. ....North Sacramento

Hilmar J. Hauge, The Diamond Match Co'.... .Sacramento

Geo. Dewey Adloff, The Diamond Match Co'. ..Sacramento

Harold J. Evans, Mapes Lumber Co'. ...North Sacramento

Ollie R. Mapes, Mapes Lumber Co.. ....North Sacramento

Stanley Gustafson, Sierra Mill & Lumber Co..'.......Sacramento

Wm. Henry Gilbert, Sierra Mill & Lumtrer Co.........Sacramento

Fred Gustafson, $ierra Mill & Lumber Co.'... .Sacramento

Willard E. Nielsen, Homestead Lumber Co...........Sacramento

Henry A. Lemon, The Diamond Match Co.....North Sacramento

Fred A. Hutton, Dixon Lumber Co.. .'Dixon

John Albert McBride, Davis Lumber Company. Davis

Bob Christenson.... ......Sacramento

Matt Fugina, Moore & Garlick. ..Sacramento

Ed Johnson, Moore & Garlick. ..Sacramento

W. W. Blattner, California Builders Supply Co.........Sacramento

Chris Wininger, Pyramid Sales Co.. .......Oakland


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