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San Francisco Retailer Specializes in Paint Sales

Gillon Lumber Company's neighborhood yard at 3931 Geary Boulevard, San Francisco, was established in 1896' It was taken over five and one-half years ago by R' E' Byard. The yard has a frontage on Geary Boulevard ol 75 feet, a depth oI 2N feet with an L having a frontage on 4th Avenue of 75 feet'

This yard aims to carry everything the builder needs and everything the home owner needs, a one-stop service in fact for both the builder and home owner. Stock includes a full line of builders' hardware and some household hardware, Fir, Redwood, Ponderosa and Sugar Pine lumber; Fir plywood, doors, sash, roofing and paints.

A branch yard is operated by this concern at 7th Avenue and San Bruno Avenue, San Bruno. This yard was opened in July, 1939.

Paint is a featured line at both yards, and as the result of special effort paint sales totaled $23,000 at the two yards in 1939. Boysen brand paints are handled.

The company specializes in El Rey roofing products. Gillon Lumber Company has successfully engaged in

Promote Redwood Use In Hawaii

A. D. Bell, Jr., manager of Eastern sales, and R. E. (Bob) Caldwell, salesman for Hammond Redwood Company, San Francisco, sailed on the Matson liner Matsonia from San Francisco for Honolulu, February 23.

They will be gone six weeks. The main object of the trip is to contact plantations throughout the Islands in an effort to increase the use of California Redwood' the building business. Starting in September, 1938, this firm has built and sold 14O Class 3, Title I homes in San Bruno and Sharp Park. The average price of these homes has been $2,800, and monthly payments average $20'95 per month. Prospective home owners have a choice of "ight ot nine attractive plans. All houses are sold before being built.

Mr. Byard was raised in the Redwood Empire and gained his first experience in the lumber business there by rvorking in Redwood sawmills.


Joe Wilkinson, formerly in the planing mill business in Redwood City, Calif., is now mill superintendent for Moore & Garlick. Sacramento.

Covers Sacramento Valley Territory

W. W. Blattner, for the past five years with California Builders Supply Co., Oakland, is now working the Sacramento Valley territory out of the Sacramento office'

F,ve California Cities Listed Among First Twenty in Building

Five California cities were listed among the first twenty in the United States reporting the largest building volume for the month of January. Los Angeles was in second place with a total of $5,485,374; San Francisco, fifth, with $2,486,626; San Diego, thirteenth, with $1,141,056; Long Beach, seventeenth, with $884,855; and Oakland, twentieth, with $770,308. New York was in first place with a total oL $24,767,355.

The twenty cities showing the largest permit valuations for January with comparative figures in 1939 as compiled by Dun & Bradstreet, Inc., follows:

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