1 minute read

ilV Ol@uonife Shrul

By loala Siotue

Age not guaranteed---Some I have told for 20 years---Some Lcss

He \(/as Naturally Enthused

It was the first payday in January, 1943, and Sam Jackson, truck driver, went up to the pay window and got his envelope. First he counted his money. There was quite a bit less than he had figured on. So he counted it again. Same result. Then he noticed the customary office slip that came with the envelope, and he studied it over. There were, it seemed, some deductions that accounted for the shortage. There was one deduction for unemployment insurance. He recalled they had been taking that out of his weekly pay for years, which was O.K. There was another for Social Security. Come to think of it, that had been go.ing on for a long time, too. But this third one was

San Francisco Visitor

Howard A. Libbey, general manager of Arcata Redwood Co., Arcata, Calif., recently spent a few days at the comDanv's San Francisco of;Ece.

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