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Mill Has Good Winter Los Supply
The illustration shows a part of the winter supply of Redwood logs at the mill of Arcata Redwood Company, Arcata, Calif. This mill, now well into its fourth year of operation, has been running 3teadily, cutting about 40,000 feet on one shift. The company has its own logging operation and is now working in a fi:ne stand of Red-
O. L. Russum of San Francisco, Northern California representative of Carl H. Kuhl Lumber Co., has three sons in the country's service.
W. K. "Bi11" Russum is head of Army Ordnance at Oakland.
O. L. Russufr, Ir., is a Lieutenant in the Army Air Corps at Palm Beach, Florida.
Douglas R. Russum is training to be a pilot in the Army Air Corps at St. Petersburg, Florida.
A daughter, Mary Ann Russum, holds an important position with the Douglas Aircraft Co. at Santa Monica.
Installs Another Shingle Machine
A. H. Schmidt, managing owner of the Portland Shingle Co., Portland, Ore., announces that he has completed the installation of an additional 24-inch Gold Metal shingle machine in the mill which now gives him a total of five machines, running two shifts daily, and increasing the production approximately a car and a half a d,ay.
wood timber.
Howard A. Libbey is general manager. Wm. H. Stewart is sawmill superintendent. Don E. Holcomb is sales manager with offices at 420 Market Street, San Francisco, and J. J. Rea, 5410 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, is Southern California sales representative.
Harold J. Ford, who has been sales manager of Yosemite Sugar Pine Lumber Co., Merced Falls, Calif., since that concern was organized, has resigned his position and has joined the Tarter, Webster & Johnson organization, effective March 1. He will make his headquarters at the Stockton office.
Lumber Administrator To Direct Cutting And Allocate Logs
To increase output of certain types of Douglas fir lumber needed for war production on the West Coast, WPB headquarters authorizes F. H. Brundage, Western Log and Lumber Administrator, to direct cutting and allocate logs where necessary,
Jim Berry In Marine Corps
Jim Berry of the sales department of Pope & Talbot, fnc., Lumber Division, San Francisco, reported for service February 15 in a special service unit of the United States Marine Corps. He has been commissioned a lst Lieutenant.