2 minute read


The lumber industry has met the demcnds oI Wcrr by working every Icrcility to the limit. In the lcrce oI serious shortqges oI equipment, mcchine replacements, supplies cnd lcbor production cnd shipments have grone lorward.

"Pcul Bunycn's" crews qt Westwood carry on with c yeqr round, Iull capacity schedule.

"Pcul Bunycrn's"CATIFORNIA


Soft Ponderoscr cnd Sugcrr Pine II'MBEB MOT'I.DING PI.YWOOD Incense Cedar VENETIAN BUND STATS

New Proccdur e lor Industrial , Hotel, Loft Construction

A revision of procedure to be followed by operators of office or loft buildings, apartment houses, hotels, industrial plants and other substantial buildings in filing a single application for blanket authorization to cover small miscellaneous construction work for a period up to six months became effective today, it was announced by the War Production Board.

Club No.109 Will Hold Concat

Le Roy Miller, president of Sacramento Hoo-Hoo Club No. 109, presided at the regular dinner meeting of the Club, held at Wilson's Confectaurant, Sacramento, on Wednesday evening, February 17.

Mr. Miller announied that the Club will hold a Hoo-Hoo Concatenation in April.

Chas. O. Burick, Jr., member of the State Planning Commission, addressed the gathering on the subject "State Planning After the War."

This authorization makes it possible for both the operators and WPB to avoid handling numerous applications for construction jobs which are necessary in larger buildings. Before the or.iginal procedure was instituted last September, operators had to receive individual authotization when the cost for all such work reached the limits set in the stop-construction order, L-41'

Under the new plan all miscellaneous construction jobs, except those estimated to cost $10,000 or more may be included in a single application for blanket authorization. The previous limit was $5,000. A separate PD-200 application must be submitted for each structure or project estimated to cost $10,000 or more for which authority to begin construction is required. The revised procedure also provides for the filing of all applications covering miscellaneous construction jobs, not requiring priority assistance with the War Production Board, Construction Division, Empire State Building, New York City. Applications covering miscellaneous industrial construction jobs requiring priority assistance must be filed with the War Production Board, Washington, D. C.

Applications covering miscellaneous jobs must describe all proposed construction work within the stated period of time in terms of specific jobs, dollar value of each job, as well as quantities of materials to be used.

Where it is impossible for the applicant to forecast the proposed jobs accurately, an application of a more general nature will be accepted. However, the estimated total cost of the proposed construction and a preliminary materials list must be included.

Items on which priorities assistance will be required must be indicated regardless of whether or not they are required to be included in the estimated cost. Where possible, schedule of deliveries of specific quantities of materials must be shown. Commitments for purchase of materials

The Weyerhaeuser color picture "Trees and Homes," was shown.

There was a good attendance. The date of the Concatenation will be announced later.

Will Enter Air Force

Ben Knabe of the lumber department, Central Supply Co., Watsonville, Calif., leaves March 1 to take an airplane mechanic's course.

Joins Spars

Pearl W. Brakel, bookkeeper at White sale hardwood dealers, San Francisco, SPARS, women's unit of the U. S. Coast

Brothers, wholehas joined the Guard.


The Army-Navy production Award was presented to the men and women of The Masonite Corporation at Laurel, Miss., on February 24. There was a nation-wide broadcast of the program over the Blue Network at 3:00-3:30 p.m,, central war time.

may be made immediately upon approval of the application. Necessity for filing applications on Form ?D-lA is eliminated by the revised procedures.

Where applications of a general type are filed and authorizations are issued, applicants must file within two weeks after the expiration of the term of the authorizatiofl, a report on the work done, the cost, and the materials consumed. Form PD-200 must be used for all such applications and reports. In reporting on the work done, the form must be accompanied by a letter indicating the serial number and date on rvhich the application was approved.

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