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Digest of New W.t Agency Orders and Regulations

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Building Materials

OPA sets up simplified procedure for modification of ceiling prices on specified building materials and consumers' durable goods. Procedure applies only to products covered by Maximum Price Regulation 1BB and permits OPA to issue an order modifying maximum price for any commodity covered by regulations (Amendment 6 to Maximum Price Regulation 188), effective February 16.


Ceiling for mill shipments of round-edge northeastern white pine lumber are raised $2.50 per 1,000 board feet (Amendment 2 to Price Regulation 2I9), effective February 19.

White Cedar Fence Posts

OPA places white cedar fence posts produced in Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota, for use principally by railroads and farmers, under ceiling of specific dollars and cents prices. New ceilings, applying to sales by producers, wholesale and concentration yards, are established at or slightly under present levels (MPR 324), effective February 18.

Lumber Imports

Lumber and shingles from Mexico and Canada purchased under contract by Government are subject to GMPR unless the species is covered by a specific price regulation (Amendment 2, revised regulation 12) effective February 15.


OPA incorporates in all lumber price regulations a provision formalizing well-established interpretation prohibiting service commissions which result in a purchase price for lumber higher than maximum prices established for the lumber (Supplementary Order 37),, effective February 23.


Canadian Timber Controlled and WPB's pulp and paper division announce jointly that Canada intends to export 1,550,000 cords of pulpwood to U. S. this year from territory east of the Cascade Mountains. In addition Canadian mills expect to ship 1,170,000 tons of pulp to U. S.

Controlled Materials Plan

WPB completes establishment of almost all principal operating procedures u'hich will govern industry under CMP with issuance of CMP Regulations Nos.3 and 5. Regulation No. 3 defines place of preference ratings under CMP and No. 5 provides methods for obtaining maintenance, repair and operating supplies (CMP Regulations Nos. 3 and 5), issued February 9.

Ship Stock

OPA establishes markups and handling charges for sale of ship stock by Pacific Coast distribution yards, which recognized their added'costs incurred in servicing needs of shipbuilders. A11 sales of less than 5,000 board feet of ship stock are excluded from the regulation and placed under control of General Maximum Price Regulation. Also provided is method for determining maximum prices for complete ship schedules to be filled in part with material other than red or white oak (MRP 281, Amendment 1), effective Februarv 20.

Mine Timbers And Lagging

Current ceiling prices for sawn mine timbers and mine lagging produced and sold for use in Minnesota iron ore mines were raised by OPA (order No. 8 under GMPR), effective February 8.

Yellow Poplar Logs

WPB places yellow poplar logs, lumber and veneers of grades suitable for use in military and naval airplanes under immediate allocation control (General Conservation Order M-279), issued February 9.

Softwood Plywood Scrap

WPB exempts softwood plywood scrap, rejects, oddsized pieces left over from processing by consumers, from restrictions imposed by the limitation order on sales, shipments and deliveries by distributors and dealers (Limitation Order 150-4 as amended February 11), issued February 11.

Wooden Containers

OPA establishes dollars and cents maximum prices for more than 200 varieties and sizes of perishable fruit and vegetable !\rooden containers produced in Southern, Eastern and Central States (MPR 320), effective February 11.

War Housing

Assistant NFIA Administrator Woodbury tells House Banking and Currency Committee that National Housing Authority is requesting $400 million increase in war housing mortgage insurance arrangements for large proportion of 130,000 dwelling units still to be financed out of total current quota for private war housing construction.

Used Trucks

An ODT spokesman says used trucks and other commercial motor vehicles may have to be rationed in near future to assure proper utilization of existing equipment.


WPB delegates to OPA authority to ration firewood in any areas within states of Washington, Oregon and Idaho (Directive No. 1, Supplementary Directive 1-U), issued February 10.


WPB announces revision of housing application forms for preference rating assistance thus implementing joint declaration policy on war housing announced in December by WPB Chairman Nelson and National Housing Administrator John D. Blandford, Jr.

Alaskan Lumber Prices Raised

Washington, Feb. 10.-The Office of Price Administration yesterday established specific prices, approximately $15 per 1,000 feet higher than mainland ceiling prices, for all Douglas fir and West Coast lumber produced and sold in Alaska.

Previously Alaskan mills were subject to the general maximum price regulations whi,ch froze their highest March prices. Yesterday's action, which becomes efiective February 15, allows Alaskan mills to add to ceiling prices an amount equal to the Maritime Commission's published freight rate from Seattle, Wash., to the shipping point of the mill. Surcharges, war risk insurance, and the wharfage and handling charges for comparable lumber are to be included.

' efter tlncle Sam

BUT the well known EVAUNA mark will dways be-

FIRST for texture

FIRST for millwork

FIRST for kiln-drying

FIRST for unifonn grades

FIRST for sewice EWAUNA


' Mill, Factory, and Sales Ofice KLAMATH

Central California Represmtative Pf"amid Lumber Sdes Co., Oaldand

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