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\Var Housing Policy lmplemented
San Francisco, Feb. 10.-The joint declaration of policy on war housing, which was announced in December by Donald M. Nelson, chairman of the War Production Board, and John B. Blandford, Jr., administrator of the National Housing Agency, was implemented and made effective today by the revision of housing application forms for preference rating assistance.
This action establishes a uniform construction application form to be used for all residential construction, regardless of whether the work is to be publicly or privately financed, to replace the several forms heretofore in use. In addition, the new form, PD-105 revised, provides for a change in the manner of reporting material lists so as to conform to schedules of the controlled materials plan. Other adjustments of a minor nature were made.
The most important points of the joint declaration, which become effective with the revisions are:
Provisions for the sale of privately-financed housing are eliminated. War housing now must be rented to war workers as defined by NHA, WPB, and WMC. Such housing must be rented for at least four months, at the end of which time it may be sold to the wa.r worker occupying it.
Only critical material authorized by WPB may be incorporated in a war housing project. Critical material in excess of the allowances may not be used, regardless of how it may be obtained.
The responsibility for programming war housing is placed in NHA.
NHA and WPB will make all projects conform with the latest conservation and occupancy regulations.
Utility installations, including equipment, are held to the established'controls.
WPB will allot materials by calendar quarters to meet specific approved programs.
A large proportion of the total housing program will continue to comprise temporary-type construction.
Inspection service will be provided by NHA to insure that projects conform to regulations. WPB will effect compliance.
In announcing the declaration of policy on December 11, Mr. Nelson declared that application of the policy was expected to make available the maximum of housing for war workers within the limits imposed by the materials that are from time to time available for allocation to this essential part of the war program. When war housing programs are approved, he said, WPB will endeavor to provide materials necessary to carry them to completion as promptly as is consistent with all other elements of the war efiort.
Quaijity Stucco
Becouse of the high stcrndords of stucco crcrltsmcrnship mqintqined through pcst yecrs, cgencies engoged in housing ond other wqr construction todoy look to stucco cts ct meons of securing good oppectrcmce crrd durctbility with economy.
Protect this quolity reputotion, cnd guccrontee the luture of stucco by seeing ihot only portlcrnd cement or wcrterprool portlcrnd cement is used lor qll coqts-mixed, opplied crrd cured occording to crpproved methbds.