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Distributed Brclusively Since l92l by PAGIFIG MUTUAT
Pre(erence Rating Order P-55 Amended
The Joint declaration of policy of the War Produ,ction Board and the National Housing Agency regarding war housing which became effective February 10, was further implemented today with the revision of Preference Rating Order P-55.
The amendments to the order brought these changes: principal to "own-
1. Preference rating orders will be addressed ers" in the future rather than to "builders."
2. Only critical materials which have been specifically approved may be used in war housing structures.
3. The owner is ordered to comply with his agreement in connection with the maintenance of occupan,cy standards.
In addressing preference rating orders to owners rather than builders, the War Production Board acted to eliminate operational confusion which had existed in many cases in field offices, as well as with the public.
The restrictions on the use of material provide the basis for the material conservation agreements outlined in the joint declaration of policy. Where formerly a builder could use any material which he could obtain without a preference rating, he is now restricted to only that critical material which is authorized byWPB. Critical material in excess of allowances may not be used, regardless of whether taken from stock, or made available by gift or loan.
The amendments to the order relating to the liability of owners will force the latter to comply with occupancy standards as defined in the joint statement. Occupancy standards apply not only to the first owner but also to all subsequent owners of the property, with the only exception occurring in cases of foreclosure. These standards provide that all war housing must now be rented to war workers as defined by the National Housing Agency, the War Production Bo'ard, and the War Manpower Commission. Privately-financed housing must be rented for at least four months, at the end of which time it may be sold to the war worker occupying it.
Minor changes in phraseology also r,r'ere made in the amended order.
Buy Yard At Long Beach
W. S. McCray of Bellflower, and Lloyd D. Milne, former manager of the Macco Lumber Company at Clearwater, have purchased the Signal Lumber & Materials Co. at 3440 Cherry Ave., Long Beach. Mr. Milne will manage the yard.
Couldn't live up here without your magazine, and after I have read every word from cover to cover, I take the current issue down to the Washington Athletic Club reading room, place it on the table for magazines, and have noted that many lumbermen eagerly read it.
Edgar W. Pack Seattle. Wash.
The man,.who was being examined by the psychoanalyst $eemed a$ sound and sane as anybody. The doctor's questions were all answered promptly and intelligently.
"'Why did you come to me?" asked the doctor.
"My family sent me," the man said.
"Why did they send you to me?"
"They think there's something wrong with me, but you can see that there's not."
The doctor said: "You seem all right to me. What did they think was wrong with you?"
The man said: "It had something to do with buckwheat cakes. I like them."
The doctor said: "So do f."
"Sure enough," said the man. "Then you must come out to the house. I've got the back bathroom full of them."
Good Timber
The man who never had to toil, Who never had to win his share, Of sun and sky and light and air, Never became a manly man, But lived and died as he began. Good timber does not grow in ease, The stronger wind, the totrgher trees, The farther sky the greater length, The more the storm, the more the strength; By sun and cold, by rain and snows, In tree or man, good timber grows.
The Boston advertising man, Tim Thrift, tells this story in Tom Dreier's "The Vagabond":

A citizen of a New Hampshire town died. There were no relatives. At his death he left two sealed communications. One was to his lawyer and the other to the undertaker. The letter to the lawyer was to be opened only AFTER the funeral. The undertaker was told exactly what to do. The minister a4d pallbearers vyere named and were to be paid for,,their sgrvice3; and,the time of the funeral ryas set for four o'clock in the morning.
Just four of the old man's neighbors attended the funeral, at what to the rest of the people must have seemed an ungodly hour. When the letter to the lawyer was opened it was learned that the old man's estate was to be divided pro rata among those who attended his funeral. The value of the estate was $400,000.
Plenty Of Time
On a recent visit to Washington, Henry J. Kaiser, the building phenom from the West Coast, was thirty minutes late for an engagement with some newspaper reporters. When he finally showed up, he explained that the reason he was late, he had to wait thirty minutes for a taxicab.
"Thirty minutes," said one of the reporters. "Why the Hell didn't you build one?"
The man went into the drug store and said to the clerk "I want a tablet." The clerk asked "What kind of a tablet?" The man said "A yellow tablet." The clerk said t'What's the matter with you?" The man said "f want to write a letter."
The glance that over cocktails seems so sweet, May be less charming over shredded wheat.
Lady, if you see me lying, On the ground and (maybe) dying, Let my gore run, bright and free, Don't attempt to bandage me. While there's life there's hope, so pet Don't apply the tourniquet; Do not give for my salvation, Artificial respiration!
Do not stretch my bones or joints, Do not press my pressure points ! ff "queer s;rmptoms" you, should see, Don't experiment on me.
If I'm suffering from shock, Take a walk around the block !
. If you must be busy, pray I Help to keep the crowds away ! So, whatever my condition, Phone at once for a physician ! Let me lie, I'll take a chance, Waiting for the ambulance ! From first aid I beg release, Lady, let me die in peace.
Priority Quotas for Privately Constructed Housing Available in Few So. Cal. Districts
Priority quotas for privately constructed housing are available in a few districts throughout Southern California as allocated by the National Housing Agency, it was announced today by Wilson G. Bingham, Southern California district director, Federal Housing Administration.
"There has recently been issued, by the War Production Board, amended 'War Housing Construction Standards,' dated January 21,1943, which Standards now apply to all applications for preference ratings for residential construction," Mr. Bingham said. "These standards represent considerable relief from the previously issued Standards and result in the raising of factors of desirability and livability for housing construction. Particularly efiective is the ruling which permits an increase in the floor area for one-story living units. One-bedroom units may norv be built to a maximum of 650 square feet; two-bedroom units to a maximum of 800 square feet; three-bedroom units to a maximum of 1,00O square feet. These maximum allor,vances represent an increase of approximately 10 per cent floor area over that area previously permitted.

"Porches may now be constructed and the area of a porch shall not be deductable from the permissive floor area of the housing unit. It is required, however, that the building material used in porch construction must be computed against the maximum material permitted for a residential unit.
"The constru,ction of garages and car ports is not permitted under these Standards.
"Applications for priorities assistance, for all types of residential construction, received after February 9, 1943, shall be submitted on a new Form PD-105, which is being revised as an all inclusive application form to replace the former Forms PD-105, PD-4O6, and PD.200.
"AIl applications shall originate in an area where a quota for residential construction has been assigned by the NHA, and as yet not exhausted.
"Residential construction is permitted only through the use of WPB priority assistance, therefore, applicants should be aware of the fact that all applications are measured for eligibility through the use of a 'Selectivity Rating Grid' which weighs the critical .factors involved in each residential construction, particularly (a) distance to war plants, (b) type of transportation, (c) time and expense of daily trips, (d) and most important, the amount of critical material and lurnber required to be used in the proposed construction.
"Obviously the lesser in amounts of critical materials used, the higher rating for the proposed construction and more favorable consideration possible by the War Production Board.
"Financing factors, for the moment, have become the simpler hurdles in construction activities; today the problem is not so much a problem of money, or interest, or terms, but far more a problem as to the procuring of critical building materials which is so necessary to other War activities.
"The FHA continues as the office regarding information relating to residential priorities assistance and financial problems relative to residential construction. All applications for priorities assistance for residential construction are to be filed either in person or by mail to the local FHA offices. Inquiries regarding priorities on subjects other than residential types should be made direct to the War Production Board.
Appointed Joint Managers
Shirley C. Forsey and S. F. Stockum have been appointed joint managers of the Eureka Mill & Lumber Co., Oaklanh. Mr. Forsey, who was associated with the tate C. I. Gilbert in this business for the past 16 yiars, will have charge of the financial end. Mr. Stockum, who has been with the ,company for four years, will have charge of operating.
Favorite Trade Journal
Your magazine is my favorite trade journal and I am always awaiting your "Vagabond Editorials."
R. R. (Dick) Proctor
Hayward Lumber & Investment Co., Riverside, Calif.