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Get the Blue Booh
IN addition to the Blue Book, issued semi-annually, I our service includes
Weekly Correction Sheetr
Weekly Tradc Reportr
Monthly Correction Supplementr
Wcekly Summarier "jrf-4" RcPorts
Sixty Free Special Reportr
You are immed,iately notified of every change in the lumber field, and of any firm that begins to show signs of financial weakness.
A request will bring a copy of the Bluc BooL and our trial proposition.
Wrlte today and save a loss
National Lumber Manrrfacturerr Credit Corporation
' Conway Building, Chicago
If you arc Intmstl;ll Fira Incunne at Cst
National Lumber ManufacturerE InterInsurance Exchange
Conway Building, Chicago
Both of these institutions are activities of the NATIONAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION
"Sqvicc at Cqt"
For flutcd columnl and othor interior wood work that involver ertittic carv. ing or turning-oprucc ir indicetcd. The long Gbre, rtraight, even grain, and rmooth terturc of thie eupcrior wood cnabler it to bc workcd caeily in a variety of beautiful, weyc. Sprucc { I in alro takee any kind of 6nie.h with unurually attractive rerultr aud with a minimum c:penditure
Our propertiee includc a tract containing rp: proximatcly 3,500,{mO,00O fect of virgin tinbcr on Graham lrl,and, B. C, alro our own f,eet of etecl, eteam lumbel rchoondrr and complc,tc, electrically operatcd raw and planing milli and dry Lilnr at Lor Angcler Herbgr. WJcan, thcrefore, rupply the local market with large end con- tinu-our quantitier of the fincrt gradc 3pruce lumbcr.
Prices anil iletails lurnished on request.