2 minute read

Year Round Opuration

Winter in C.alifornia dependr on tihe altitude. Up here in the High Sierr:as, ttc home of the Sugar Hine and California White Pine, deep snowr and cold weather can be e:rpected"

In rpite of Winter conditionr often rcvere, the Westwood plent operater continuoudyl the year round. With a caparity ol 25O million feet a year, all deparhrente rrork rmder one o'rganization logging, nrilling, rnnrfactruing and ehipping.

Thc rapid rcplecemcnt of rtockr givcn by thie policy of productioa naintainr a widc u.ortmcnt to rr€et your rcquirrlrncntr

Thir trade name areufe! you careful manrf,actue and rearoning given to California Piner of ruperior nctural goryth and "BETTER QUALITY-GRADE F1OR GRADE."

Everything For Yard And Factory Sash And Doors And Cut Stocks

(Continued from Page 11)

Comparative measurements disclosed that there was practically no shrinkage or su'elling over the normal "raising" of the grain and that none of the doors were made unfit for use.

A second group of these stock doors were left in a dry kiln heated to 185 degrees Fahr. for 24 hours. Again Laminex construction proved sound, for joints and veneer u'ere unalfected and no shrinkage cracks appeared. A slight loss of noisture content $'as the only noticed change.

The third part of the test consisted of subjecting regular Laminex door panels to a great static load by means of a 200,000 pound Olsen testing machine. It rvas found that an average load of 913 pounds u'as required to ruptuqe these Laminex panels.

It is interesting to know that the first two sections of this test were duplicated quite by accident on doors in the hands of distributors. One shipment was exposed to the terrific blistering heat of a warehouse fire in Nashville, -Tennessee, on the night of October 23, 1923.

Thousands of other doors in the same room were completely ruined. Panels warped, frames curled and joirits gave way. Although some Larninex doors were so badly scortched that the grain was obliterated and others were soaked for hours with steaming rvater, not one frame gave way or wraped, not a panel curled or blistered.

Another shipment of Larninex doors was submerged for several days in a St. Louis flood. They, too, held up per- fectly. Not a single Laminex failed rvhere man yof other makes were completely ruined. This is considered a re' markable performance for standard, stock doors.

A strong advertising campaign on Laminex doors is being conducted by The Wheeler Osgood Company in magazines of national circulation. 23 million separate messages about Laminex doors will be printed in them this year. The Saturday Evening Post, American Architect, Architectural Record, National Builder, Building Age and American Builder and Contractor, r,vill carry the story of this new product to every one in any way interestei in doors.

The Wheeler Osgood Con-rpany has caught the spirit of progressive merchandising. 'fhey have perfected the manufacture of their product-norv they turn about and are creating a market for it. A pioneer in the field of production has turned in the field of distribution.


Richard C. Jones of the Van Arsdale-Harris Lumber Co., San Francisco, is on a three weeks' business trip to the Northwest where he is making a survey of the lumber market. He will visit the Puget Sound, Grays Harbor, Portland, Columbia River, and Coos Bay districts. He expects to return to San Francisco about the middle of the month.

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