2 minute read
Long-Bell Company to Start Manrrfacturing July 15th
The Long-Bell Lumber Company's fir lumber manufacturing plant at Longview, Washington, rvill be completed and in operation by July 15, or possibly by July. 1 of ttris year, according to R. A. Long, chairman of the board of directors of the Long-Bell Lumber Companv.
In November last year, construction oi this plant had reached the inclosing of the largest of the group of buildr-rgr. The head mill building will be 90 feet wide by +37 feet long. The re-manufacturing mill adjoins the head mill and is 230 feet wide by 328 feet long. The equipment in thg head mill consists of the following machinery:
One l0-foot double cutting band saw.
One 1l-foot single cutting band saw.
One carriage, 84inch opening and to cut up to ancl including 80 feet long.
This carriage and ll-foot band mill will handle logs up to and including 12 f.eet in diameter. The double cutting band mill and carriage will handle logs up to and including 72 inches in diameter by 50 feet long.
In this mill are two edgers,.72 inches wide by 14 inches depth in cut, or, in other words, these machines will cut a 'timber up to and including 14 inches thick and 37 inches wide.
In the head mill is one SO-foot slasher for cutting up slabs and edgings from the lumber, in lengths, 4 feit, 4 feet 6 inches and 5 feet; this for the purpose of manufacturing lath in the lengths me'nfioned.
The trimmer will trim up to and including 52 feet in length. This covers all of the cutting equipment in what is known as the head mill.
In the re-manufacturing plant is the following equipmen+.
One 52-foot trimmer; trvo 32-foot trimmers; one-20x60inch gang; one 14x54-inch gang; three 7?-inch horizontal band resaws; one 84-inch double edger; one 48-inch single edger.
This covers all the cutting equipment in what is known as the re-manufacturing mill.
Adjoining the manufacturing plant will be a complete system of green yard sorters, drop sorters and stackers, green and dry lumber storage platforms and 42 dry kilns will be installed together with adequate rough dry sorting tables and lumber sheds.
Lumber from the rough dry sheds rvill be delivered to
Constructlon Vlcu on Poutcr Plant-Iangotcu the planing mills which have a minimum capacity of 500,000 feet of lumber for each eight hour shift. The lumber from the planing mills goes b'y monorails and special convglol t9 the dressed lumber sheds and loading sheds after which it is taken from the conveyor and eitlier stored in the dressed lumber sheds or plaied alongside of cars in loading sheds for loading.
The plants will be electrically driven, each machine having its own motor. The electric power plant is being built
(Continued "'" P"C" 5t-)
Ells Aginaw Special Stars Uddenservice

Saginaw Special Star Shingles are not coohed to death, nor sold to gain the underweights. Do not curl and split in the pile but look and ARE attractive. Srnall premium in price---big premium in value.