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Lazy "Coon" Stories
One of tlre negro traits that is most interesting to the "white folks" is his wonderful nervelessness' lack of worry' and laziness. About the laziest thing in the whole world is a big black darky asleep in the sun-and they love to sleep in the sun. Here are two little old nigger stories that well illustrate the lazy side of Rastus'
Thc white gentleman stePped from the train with a heavy suitcase in his hand, and looked about for someone to carry it. He spied a big colored man leaning listlessly against the depot. "Boy," said he "Do you want to mlke two-bits?" "No suh," drawled the colored one, just opening one eye. "What?" asked the gentleman in surprise, f'yort don't want to make two-bits?" "No suh" again affirmed the dark one. "Well," said the gentleman in surprise, "Why don't you want to make two-bits?" "Cause, suh," said the lazy one, "I have dun got t\Po-bitq.now..?'
The other story is that of thd two darkies who sat in front of a store in the sun, whittling. A band blared out' and one of them turned to look, and exclaimed: "Oh boy ! Heah comes de cirkus preeade. Man heah dat gran band. And see dem big elephants. An look at all dem camels. Boy ! See all dem cages ob wild anamiles. Niggah, wouldn't you like to see dishere preeade?" "Ah would like to see it, sho nuff," drawled the other, "but Ah jes ain't looking dat way."
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