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'W'. M. Cady Buys Still Another Mill
The W. M. Cady Lumber Company, which recently purchased and began the operation of a great milling plant at Cooley, Ariz., as previously announced in these columns, has now added another big mill to its Arizona holdings. In February they purchased the controlling interest in the Flagstaff Lumber Company, at Flagstaff, Ariz., and have assumed charge of its operations also. I!Ir. W. M. Cady, Jr., is General Manager of this ne'iv instittttion, and I\{r. F. E. Pipes is plant superintehdent. Mr. Pipes was connected with the Cady concern in Louisiana for a number of years, and has also had experience in milling white pine Iumber. The general office and sales office of the new mill will be at Cooley, Ariz., the sales and executive departments of the two plants being identical.
Besidis a modern double sawmill, planer, kilns, and complete equipment for the production of high class lumber, there is also in operation in connection with the Flagstaff plant a modern box factory, complete in every detail. The combined capacity in lumber of the two McNary sawmills is now fullv 125.000,000 feet.
Sam Towle Returns From Northwest
Sam Towle, prominent San Francisco retailer and manager of the Sudden-Heitman Lumber Co., has returned from a two weeks business trip to Oregon and Washington. While in the North, he visited the Portland Puget Sound, Grays Harbor. and Coos Bay districts'
Eagle Lumber Company Install New Dry Kilns At Mill
The Eagle Lumber Company installed two new Moore Dry Kilns at their plant at Westimber, Oregon, during the winter shut-down. With their present kiln capacity, they will specialize in Kiln Dry Clears and Kiln Dry Factory stock. G. R. Bleecker, their San Francisco representative, announces that the mill has now resumed operations after the winter shut-down.
G. G. Rupley, rvell knorvn pine lumberman of Chicago, was a recent San Francisco visitor where he spent a few weeks calling on his pine mill connectiohs. FIe was accompanied by Mrs. Rupley and during their visit in the Bay-District, they were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Bleecker. Mr. and Mrs. Rupley returned east by way of Portland, Seattle, and the Inland Empire.
Publisher Talks To Lumber Salesmen
At the regular rveekly luncheon of the Lumber Salesmen's Club of San Francisco held at the Palace Hotel on February 25, Jack Dionne of the "California Lumber Merchant" gave an excellent talk to the Club members on "salesmanship, Service, and Better Merchandising of Lumber" from the retail lumber salesman's standpoint.
President C. H. Moody presided at the meeting. J"e Bell of the Christehson Lumber Co., chairman of the Special Meeting which will be held on March 10, stated that the comrnittee had practically all the arrangemenlt .9nf pleted and that a big time was anticipated. Richard C. Jones, ex-president of the Club, also gave a'short talk to the club members.