1 minute read
The Whitney Company's Identified Flooring Has Brought Great Results
Years ago the makers of hardwood flooring began identifying their product by stamping or marking their name on it, and then advertising their particular brand. It took the softwood folks longer to see the point. And before they DID discover how much this stunt rvas doingt for their hardwood competitors, the hardr.r'ood flooring people had sold their stuff widely and rvell.
But many pine people have adopted this excellent idea, and with splendid results. Some of them have gone even farther. The Whitney Company, of Garabaldi, Oregon, makers of a very famous grade of Fit Flooring, now ship the most prepossessing and attractive looking package of flooring in the world. They tie their bundles with a bright green cord, that is wonderfully attractive to the eye, the green color being a fine contrast to the flooring itself. In addition they stamp their name on the back of each piece of flooring. And they report that they are getting immediate and marvelous results from both these efiorts.
Mr. NlcCullough, of San Francisco, head of the I\IcCullough-Fagan Lumber Company of San Francisco and Los Angeles, whose concern sells this product exclusively in the State of California, is a most enthusiastic booster for this particular identification of a lumber product. "I 'ivant them to advertise this flooring jus! as enthnsiastically as possible" he says, "because the more they boast about the