1 minute read
Superior Cement" Stucco
quality of their product, the better and more uniform quality they will make, and the better satisfied will be the trade that handles it. We believe this is the finest softwood flooring made, and it is certain that when it is sent out in bundles so plainly identified, that they are going to make it just as good as they are humanly capable of doing. This flooring is wonderful in quality and most uhiform in character. And the attractive bundle looks wonderful in the lumber shed, and makes a decided hit with the customer."
Hoffman-Hiscox Lumber Company Formed
The Hoffman-Hiscox Lumber Company, formed by NIr. Earl Hoffman, of the Earl Hoftman Company, Los Angeles, and Mr. R. A. Hiscox, of the Western States Lumber Company, San Francisco, has been formed, as a co-partnership, and will operate throughout the state, with an office in Los Angeles and one at San Francisco.
The new company will operate rvith cargo shipments exclusively, with the recently chartered Str. "Willapa."
Both members of the company are rvell known. Mr. Hoffman, in the Earl Hoffman Cornpany, and Mr.'Hiscox, in the Western States, have made many friends and acquaintances in the state. They announcer that this nelv arrangement will not affect the operatio'ns of their former respective companies.
A mill with years of experience devoted exclusively to the making of high grade
Finish, Casing, Base and Mouldings
Standard and California Patterns and Sizes
California Ofice
Walten IR,. IFifen
5o8 Mero Theatre Bldg. 'Los Angeles
Phonc 8zag46