1 minute read
B. \ry'. Cadwallader Returns From Trip to Philippines
B. W. Cadw:illader, President of Cadrvallader-Gibson Co., Inc., has retulned to San Francisco after spending the past four months inspecting their large operations in the Philippine Isla'nds. The Cadwallader-Gibson Company have two large mills in the Philippines where they manufacture. mahogany; one mill is located at Limay where they manufacture their flooring, panels, and veneers, while at their plant at Paysauam they manufacture their rough lumber. Their plants are modern and electrically driven and they also own ahd operate their own railroad and floating equip- ment. At their large logging and mlll operations there they employ around 2000 men.
Mr. Cadwallader states that he rvas very much pleased with conditions as he found them at their operations on the Islands and that they are looking forward to a large {9T"".d for their products in the United States dufing 1914. This large manufacturing and distributing concErn of mahogany-lumber,have their general officeJ and yard at San Francisco and they also maintain offices at Seattle, Oakland, and Los Angeles. R. E. Ford, with headquarters in San Francisco, is the manager of their large, Pacific Coast operations.
Morrill & Sturgeon
Mr. Dionne:-