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The Routt Lumber Company Merchandisers
As the heading indicates, the Routt Lumber Company, of Fresno, is an aggregation of live merchandisers, taking advantage of a multitude of wide arvake sales stunts provided by the heads of this concern, and putting over a sales record that increases each year.
Anyone would form a favorable impression of this company upon receipt of the very first letter. Their stationery is very attractive, printed in green and red, and containing in the center a reproduction of their trade-mark, lvhich in itself is distinctive. On all of their literature and business paper you will find this mark: done is the publishing of a series of pamphlets, five of them, telling of the working of their organization, and what they can and will do for the prospective home owner.
Number one is entitled "Routt Home Financing Service." This deals with the financing of the home, the part that their company can take in this part of the deal, and offers a building loan to prospects at a low cost. They state in this bulletin that the Builders Finance Company has ofifices with their company and is prepared to finance home builders.
Pamphlet number 2 deals u'ith their drafting service. It says, in part : Plan Service
On their letter head they advertise that they handle not only lumber, but also, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Sectional Houses, and Schumacher Wall Board.
Their middle name is Service, and their slogan is "Ours is the trade that Service made."
One very excellent piece of advertising that they have
The first essential to a correctly built home is a correct plan. This plan, first of all, should be your conception of a home, whether it is a plan you have picked out or whether it is really your own ideas put into plan form. There are certain type house plans that are more or less "standard" and around these plans your own home will probably be designed. But there are certain features that yon want incorporated that are "your" ideas and unless you see them your home will rrot be "yours" in every sense of the word.
Drafting Service
For the convenience of our customers, a drafting department has been established. Here you mav give us the details of your contemplated home and a plan will be evolved that is "your own" and will be put into blue print form-actually visualizing your future home.