3 minute read
Routt's Lumber Service
Serttice Number Two
Routt Factory Built Building
Do you know tihe tfuill of pride that goer with home ownerrhip?
It comes with the knowledge that you have thrown ofi the shackles of interminable rent days and landlords. It comes from knowing that you own the roof over your head and the bit of ground you live on. At our factory, small homes and garages are now being manufactured, to be delivered and erected on the buyer's property, and paid out on a monthly payment basis.
Over three hundred of these buildings already erected in the San Joaquin Valley and each one giving perfect satisfaction. No wonder-when the workmanshio is guaranteed throughout. The efficient methods of construction used and the utilizing of short length material cuts down the cost to an economical figure that is within thc reach of everyof,e, Your plans will be figured on and an exact price given,
.ROUTT FACTORY BUILII GARAGES have proven the sensation of the valley. They are erected in two hours and are guaranteed to be of good coflstruction, passing the city building ordinances. A 10x16 garage will be delivered and erected within three miles of our factory for $110.00 on easy terms.
These buildings are ofiered to those who are not able to Day cash for the material to build their home. It is our policy not to iell to anyone whe has sufficient monev to engage a Fresno contractor to erect thgir home on a cash basis within the city limits- of Fresno. May we have the pleasuie of quoting you on your home or garage neeos t
May we have your inquiry?
Cost Details
In this department .a synopsis of your building costs will be given you. The cost of the entire building will be figured out so that you rvill knorv in advance what your total approximate cost will be. The lumber list will be taken of of the blue print and an estimate given on the material cost. It will be a pleasure for us to figure with you and we invite you to make use of this department.
Number three is called "Routt Lumber Service." It contains a well worded description of the stocks that they carry, an explanation of their delivery service and also an item about the usual stock items carried. All intended to bring the prospect a little closer to their organization, by the explanation of things that the ordinary home builder or prospect knows nothing about.
Number four is called "Our Pine Ridge Sawmill," and contains a description of their cutting operations, tells why their pine.is.of the best qqality, and carries a convincing argument for the use of home products, by the use of the white and yellow pine, "all a Fresno County product."
This company makes a specialty of Factory Cutting all sizes and types of buildings. They have a special booklet that deals with this end of their busines5, and they offer a ready ctlt garage that can be erected in three hours. They offer a 10x16 garage for $1 10.00, on terms, this price inclrrding the delivery and construction of the building. This book shows a series of pictures, shorving the garage being put together.
In addition to all this, they of course use a good amouflt of newspaper spa.ce, and their display ads are good. These are also nrn in a series, to hook up rvith their pamphlets, and in these ad.rertisements they offer a concise, convincing argument for business. In this article is a reproduction of one of their ads that appeared in their local paper.
Mr. R. W. Bagby, in commenting on his company's operations says:
"Service," nowadays is a very misused word and the ideas of different concerns as to what service really should be-vary to a great extent. We do not believe that merely having a lumber yard and a couple of salesmen and probably a plan service of some sort is enough.
Our Factory Built Building De1>artment was started to assist prospective home owners to buy on easy monthly payments. Not only this, but we are able to eliminate all the bothersorne cletails in connection with the erection of a home and there is no waste of material on the job. All bracing, heaclers, etc., are made up out of the accumulation of short stock around the yard. Last month over fifty ot stocK arouno yaro. monrn ovef, nrr buildings \vere manufactured by us and we are continuall burldrngs manutactured by us contlnually having to erect new sheds to take care of this business although it is only one of our five service departments. We are now in receipt of two letters making iquiry as to furnishing these buildings in the Orient.
If a customer desires to build their own home we maintain a drafting department where their own ideas will be worked out and blue prints furnished without cost. If any of our customers find they are short a ferv hundred dollars to start the erection of a home, our Finance Company will supply the amount of this lack of money, in building mate;itl, so that they are able to go ahead rvith their plans.
We believe in advertising and the enclosed ad is one of a series covering our service departments, for after all, we must sell our service first and this will naturally lead to a