1 minute read
Most men who deserve Praise-Don't want it.
larger volume of business. We know this from experience and it is not a matter of theory."
Mr. Bagby has a unique idea in his business card. It is in the shape of a folder, bright yellow in color, has the companies and his name on the outside, and when unfolded gives in a very concise forrn a good idea of what the company offers. The card on the inside is arranged like this :
'.Ourr ic the Trade that Scnice Made" LuNrsen Srnvrce and modern woodworking machinery sufficient Dneprrxc Srnvrcr
Drafting, Blueprinting and cost details furnished for the home complete.
Fecronv gurrr Burr,ortcs
Garages and small homes manufactured in sections that ;ail together. Terms if desired.
HoMe FrN.cNcrr.rc Srnvrcr
New construction financed as well q,9 repairs or additions to completed buildings.
Serv Mrll
Our own Saw Mill at Pine Ridge manufacturcs lumbcr in all lengths and sizes.
20ll Tylcr Avc Phonc ?3E0
Our Curtomerl Rccommend UeMay Wc Be Of Servlce To You