2 minute read
Another Good Thing About Balsam,WbolIT SELLS
HE past six months have demonstrated another practical feature of BALSAM-WOOL. It sells. From the very start, dealers' stocks have been moving. Sales predictions of. ayea-r ago are facts today.
BALSAM-WOOL has already proved itself a live proposition for the trade. Unlike the ordinary run of new building specialties it sold from the etart. Home-builders, carpenters and contractors are taking to itfaster than they have to any other insulating material. If BALSAM-WOOL has proved itself profitable for the retailer in its first year, surely today it deserves the attention of every live dealer who wants to increase his volume and profits.
Vhat Balsam-Vool Did in OneTeritory
In one middle western territory with a radius of fifty miles,46 dealers stocked BALSAM-woor,. A check - up amonllst these dealers after theyhad been handlin$ BALSAM-WOOL on an avera$e of three months showed that4Zd,ealers out of the 46 made sales amounting to about M" of. theiroriginal orders.Ten of these dealers had sold out their first orders entirely and were delivering from reorders. One dealer delivered 8,(X)0 feet on one house remodelingiob alone; the customer liking n.qIsAM-woOL so well that he put it on double and used it in newpartitions as a sound deadener.Another dealer's sales amounted to 30,000 feet, most of which went into remodeling, roof insulation and odd-time iobs.
OI tteeo 46 dealcrs only nine had ever eoid or stocked insulation belore they put in BAISAM ' woot-. Conriderin{ ttat moet oI these deslcre did not ordbr until the buildiog ceecon wac practioally over, thig reoord ia very interesting.
The'Wood Conversion Company's offer to dealers is just as fair and sensible as it was a year ago. They want your first order to be a small one. They are interested more in your sales than they are in their orders. They will show you how to sell BALSAM-WOOL and will furnish you with tested sales helps without charge.
BALSAM-WOOL will make an ideal addition to your stock. For a small investment you can put in a stock that will take care of any iob. BALSAM.WOOL costs litde to handle and stock. Every home-builder, home-owner and farmer is a prospective customer. BALSAM-WOOL profits are additional profits. BALSAM.WOOL does not displace nor does it compete with other items of yard stock. And besides, BALSAM-WOOL will make friends for you, every time you sell a roll.
You will find in your dealings with the Wood Conversion Company, who manufacture BALSAM-WOOL, the same spirit of fair dealing and the same business integrity that has characterized this organization through sixty-five years of successfully serving the retail trade.
Sample, prices and complete information on BALS,AMWOOL may be secured by addressing the'Wood Conversion Co., Cloquet, Minn., or through our local district representatives, or by mail addressed to our nearest branch office-
" ooquet'Minn
Slbley Lunber Co., Detrolt. lfloh.
Geltl€n€n: tle ueke lt a practlce neyer to illnrlge the voluDo of out salea to anyone, but oan aoaure you lt las beea c wlDno!. [e have been aucceaeful ln gettlng th18 pattloular natertal speolfled 1n Dany ,olE, anal at the preecnt aro Ae- Ilyoltng 40,000 feet on one Job nhloh ls a oonaenatolt of uuslo. Of oourEe the prtnary uB€ 1n thls partloular iOb te for al€atlenlhg. Regt aesured wo net the fleld anil woa out.
We were fnforued by the ltood Converstoa Co. tbat you we!€ oonBldollng taklng on Balsao Wool InBulatloD aoa tley hav€-aekeal.ue to drop you a llne gtvtng our orperleaoc slnoe baaalllng tlrls neteri.al.

Ibo oontraators who havo usea SalssD Wool all, llh€ lt beoause tt lB nlo€ oleaa ruaterlal to halalle and 1e quio&cf to apply tben other llsulatlon Eatellal on tb€ mrket.
Fron the deelerB polnt of vler lt oen be neile a gooil Doney naker as the nargln le what se oall llbete1 an0 a oarloatl can be unloaAed ln a Jlffy. our netboA rof gtorlaSi nay not eraotly flt you! 1ay out but we 1111 ileecrlbe lt nevertheless. Sal8ao Wool ls vcty llght so we have bullt eevsral tleoklngs I ft. blgh oyor ht8h blns for thlg natcr1a1, aDal belon we store the heevy eaphalt BhlngleB.
Any speolflo questlons you lay naat to aEt, rc w111 bs frenk 1a aasrering.
Vory tnrly yours, s!3Mta[