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Beautiful Display by the W. R. Pickering Company
gray Spanish moss. Moss will also be observed as entwined about the posts and arranged as a border for the plne.
A particularly clever feature has been worked out in the sign "Pickering'." This is made of pine cones sawed into and tipped r,r'ith silver paint in the center, a feature which added a brilliant note to the sign itself. The roof of the booth is made of green pine saplings covered with long leaf pine straw. the latter also being used as a floor covering within the booth.
This display occupied the time honored position in the Kansas City Convention Hall which it has held from the first of these exhibits, begun almost twenty years ago:
Seeks News Of Lost Son From Lumber Mills
The following letter has been received by several of the lumber firms of California of latg. If anyone knows anything concerning the young man, it would be well to communicate that fact to his father:
The photograph above shows the very attractive display booth installed by the W. R. Pickerinig Lumber Company, at the Southwestern Lumbermens Association Convention. held at Kansas City, in February.
This is perhaps one of the most attractive displays of its kind that has been seen in any of the meetings where displays were given. The- post-s -as. shou'n in the.photogra-ph are genuine green pine logs left in the bark while the sides and back of the booth have been lined with pine slabs in the natural. To further carry out the real spirit of the south. the cracks between the slabs were "chinked" with
"If it be possible will you make inquiry as to whether my son, Douglas Woolverton, has been hurt of killed at any of your lumber camps ? Anything you can dq will be appreciated by his father, Chas. Woolverton, Wills Point, Texas."
Mr. J. Elmer Brown, formerly conhected with the wholesale department of the Hammond Lumber Companv Los Angeles, is now with the Oregon Lumber Agency, in Los Angeles, in the sales department.