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E.P. Ivory Goes WithWhiteand SugarPineAss'n
Madison, Wis.:-Mr. Edward P. Ivory of the section of Industrial Investigations of the Forest Products Laboratory is leaving the Forest Service March 1 to become associated with the California White and Sugar Pine Manufacturers' Association with head quarters in San Francisco.
Mr. Ivory has been with the laboratory since September. 1921, duing which time he has been engaged in lumber standardization activities, and in their interest has travelled to every part of the United States. He is one of the authors of the Department of Agriculture Circular on standardization of yard lumber which formed the basis of the standard grades recently adopted by the industry. He rvas the laboratory's technical representative at the standardization conferences preceding the agreement.
Mr. Ivory attended Purdue University and is a graduate of the New York State College of Forestry at Syracuse. He spent two and one-half years in the army as officer in the Field Artillery, and has been employed in Bogalusa, T-ouisiana, by the Great Southern Lumber Company as Chief inspect-or of grades, in New York City by the Close
Lumber Corporation as salesman and lumber buyer, and in Orange, Nerv Jersey in the Thomas A. Edison Laboratories. Mr., Ivory's new work will be in the nature of trade extension.
Jack Dtonne Speaks Before San Franctsco Ad Club
At the regular weekly meeting of the San Francisco Ad Club held at the Palace Hotel on February 27, Jack Dionne publisher of the "California Lumber Merchant" addressed the gathering on "Advertising in the Lumber Trade Jour- nals." He told his audience that the progressive retail lumber dealer of today not only sells lumber but are merchandizers of all other building materials that are essential in home construction. Speaking of trade journal advertising, he said that in his trn'enty years experience with trade journalism the lumbermen of the country have rnade rvonderful progresi in advertising their products. He also spoke of the local advertising that was being carried oh by the retail dealers of the state and the rvonderful work they were accomplishing in creating the building of homes. The meeting was largely attended, there being about 30O present at the luncheon.
Rod Hendrickson Visits Yosemite
Rod Hendrickson, the well known San Francisco wholesaler, has just returned from the Yosemite where he spent a felv days on a pleasure trip. He u,as accompanied by Mrs. Hendrickson on the trip. They made the trip to Merced by automobile and then traveled by trdih into Yosemite. On their arrival at Yosemite they met a parttof their friends from San Francisco and he reports tl-rat thev all had a wonderful time rvhile in the mbuntains.