1 minute read
Is Yours A Friendly Office
By Jack Dionne
There are still a whole. lot of lumber offices that we burnp into in our rounds, that have as yet failed to learn the first big thought in selling: they haven't FRIENDLY placis of business.
How about yours ?
Ifave you ever taken inventory to see whether or not there is a barrier of red tape, inattention, stiltedness, listlessness, or what not, that makes the person who comes in feel that he has a barrier to get through to get in?
If thire IS, get rid of it. It is hurting your business. It can't help hurting your business. If your business depends to an/ reasonable degree on the good will of your fellow meh, then make it easy for your fellows to get into your place of business, and to reach YOU, and the other people in the institution rvhom they may desire to see.
There are still a lot of rnen in the world who are possessed of the insane idea that difficu'lty of apgroach is the sign of the BIG man. IT nSN'T. It's the sign of the counterfeit big man. The business world is heavy-burdened with these twenty two caliber guys who are always "in conference," or some other stilted excGse. And the business world doesn't approve.
Run a friendly place of business. Have 'sorneone who knows how to smile, to show a friendfur and intelligent interest, etc., meet the people who come into your place of business. Make them feel at home. The fect is they are probably flattering you by wanting to talk to you. r
The business man today who prides himself on the fact that he is hard to get at in his own office, is first cousin to the guy that carries a cane; HE'S BOUND TO BE WEAK IN ONE END OR THE OTHE
From the Hourc of Quick Sbiemcntr