4 minute read
Building Materials on The Easy Payment Plan
Let the building material men create an instrumentality for selling their commodities to home-builders on the instalment plan, is the novel suggestion laid before the recent convention of the Ohio Lumber Retailers Association by Theodore F. Laist, architectural advisor of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association. The suggestion made such a f'hit".that a committee was appointed to deal with it and given authority to bring it before other associations with a view to making it a national ehterprise
Mr. Laist'in efiect proposes a new and seemingly econbmical way of financing the second mortgage, which if it should be put into operation would eliminate a large part of the additional cost that mosf present deferred-payment plans impose oh home-builders who have ngt enough cas' to make up the difference betrveen a first-mortg4ge amount and the cost bf thb house and lot. The suggestion was offered to the lumber dealers as a means of increasing their sales.
Klamath Indians To Sell Three Units Of Their Great Western Yellow Pine Forest
Washington,.'Mar. 3.-It was learned today that three more units of the great western yellow pine forests of the Klamath Indians in Southern Oregon, aggregating about 900,000,000 feet, have been offered for sale by the Forestry Branch of the Indiah service, Departmeni of Interioi. These are the Squaw Flat unit, containing 275,000,000 feet; the Trout Creek unit, of 100,000,000 feet, and the Long Prarie unit, with nearly 500,000,000 feet.
Catholic school erected in 18/0 oow being dkmantled for its sound Rcdanood ltmber.
E IFTY-THREE years ago Father Henneberry l' built this Catholic school for boys at Alton, California. lt ig now being torn down for [he Redwood lumber it contains.
Charles R. Wilson, Jr., formerly assistant to J. Walter Kelly sales manager of Chas. R, McCormick & Co., is now representing the company in the San Francisco Ray District and is calling on the industrial trade. Mr. Wilson has been connected with Chas. R. McCormick & Co. for over ten years and during that period he has been connected with their mill operations at St. Helens, Oregon and the company's San Francisco office. He has also had considerable experience in the company's Engineering Department and is well equipped to carry on the work of ,his new position. "Charlie," as he is best known by his lumbermen friends, is extremely popular among the Bay District lumberrnen, he is an enthusiastic lumberman and piays an excellent game of golf.
Choice Air-Dried Uppere
Green Clears and Commons
Rail and Cargo Shipments
16 California Street San Franciseo
Yex4 and
(Continued frrrm Fage 18) adjoining the mills. The building will be 310 feet long bv 194 feet wide. Its two smoke stacks will be of reinforced concrete, 300 feet high, with a ZL-foot inside diameter at the top.
Shipping facilities for the plant include a dock on the Columbia River. This dock will have a berthing length of 1,400 feet and will be 350 feet rvide. It is the heaviest type of dock construction, being designed to carry a weight of 1,000 pounds to the square foot. Shipside and inshore railroad tracks will be provided. Traveling electric crahes, 50 feet in height and having an over-reach or rvorking radius of 100 feet, will handle all the lumber as it is received from the mills and will also serve vessels at the docks. The dock will have a storage capacity of several million feet of lumber and will accommodate four 12,000 ton vessels at a time, which are the largest vessels no'iv making this harobr a port of call.
A large number of rvorkmen will be emp'oyed in the Long-Bell plants and lumber rvill be turned out in vast ouantities.
Roofing Executive Visits Coast
Mr. Lloyd A. Fry, Vice-President of the Richardson Company, large manufacturers of roofing products, with plants at Lockland, Ohio, Melrose Park, Chicago, and New Orleans, has been in California for the past two weeks, on a combined pleasure and business trip.
Mr. Fry lvill remain on the coast for some time, looking over the general conditions in this territory.
He is accompanied by Mrs. Fry, and their six year o'd son, Lloyd, Junior.
History Repeats Itself
Sah Francisco, March 4, 1924
MR. J. E. MARTIN, "The California'Lumber l\1lerchant"
San Francisco, Cal.
Dear Sir:
It is said that "History repeats itself." So the present slump in lumber prices it but an echo of "the days of old,lhe days of -Gold'and the days of '49."
In-Merwin's Life of Bret Harte I recently came across this paragraph about prices in San Francisco:
"I; Juiy, tg49 tumbir sold at the enormous rate of five hundred dollars a thousand feet,-fifty times the New England price; but in the'following Spring, immense shipments having arrived, it brought scarcely enopgh to pay the freight bills."
How much that sounds like the accounts of todays random unsold shipments which have broken the back of our market. One wonders whether after all Brother Bryan is u'rong in his opposition to the theory of evolution, at least as regards progress in the lirmber trade. Ahd note horv farniliar this paragraph
"At San Francisco, in September 1850, bricklayers receivipg twelve dollars a day struck for fourteen dollars and received the increase. The wages of carpenters l'aried from twelve to trventy dollars a dayi'
But of course, values are relative' as we realize when we note that about that time California'was dependent on the East for supplies, and the menu of a breakfast for two at Sacramento was as follows:
The last item rvould make a modern bootlegger blush with shame or envy.
Yours truly,
B. E. Bryan, sales manager and secretary of the Strable Hardwood Company, Oakland, has returned from a month's trip to Honolulu., Mr. Bryan stated that he enjoyed his'tiip on the island very much and saw many interesting things but remarked "I will take California for mine." lle rvas accompanied by Mrs. Bryan on the trip.

O' H. Ban. Snatft,SantaAna
Albcd A, Frcd, Snttft, San Dtcgo
C. H. Gifcn, h. Snatft, Santa Cruz
C. E, Plcst, Smth,Watwd
H L. Rqcnhtg, Snorh, Ina Angcbl
H. E, Vcfile, Smtft, Ftmo
A B, IUutcll, Snatft,Sn Frncta
D, A. Willlaw4Srutft, Sacrcmato