2 minute read
Northwestern Association Entertained at San Francisco
The Northeastern Lumbermen's Special-with 28 of the best_ natured, most enthusiastic and appreciative retail lumbermen,-and their wives-ever to ,,ririke" the pacific Coast, left San Francisco on the evening of March 4 en route to Los Angeles.
Rolling into Willits early Monday morning, March 2 and the entire party, after a heirty breaicfast of "Iiam and-," boarded. day coaches f9r the delightful run through the redwood forests to Ft., Bragg. From here, after beiig met by Mr. F. C White, the Unlon Lumber Company,s [enial manager a_nd his efficient corps of guides, the deligation,- augmented by representatives from other redwood mills of Humboldt and Mendocino Counties,-steamed up the coast and into Camp 25, where lunch-in true logging camp style,-was served promptly at noon.
High line logging-with a "flyer" operated on a cable span of more than 300 feet,-provided -a real thriller, but one which ceased to interest with the timely falline of a big redwood tree, in full view of the train, and onlv- some 500 feet distant.
"She's 32I f.eet tall, 13 ft. 8 inches in diameter. contains 87,|ffi feet of lumber, is about 100 years old and was standing in timber that runs 230,000 ft. B. M. to the acre,', was the report brought back by the ladies who left the train to get a closer glimpse of this, their first view of a Redwood operation.
Amazement-and real satisfaction-were expressed at the many evidences of close utilization in the woods and at the extent and thoroughness of the redwood reforesta-
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MAIIOG. ANY BATAAN MAHOGANY tion operations -as viewed on cut over lands along Ten Mils and at the Nursery, which the party visited und"er the guidance of Mr. Virgil Davis, forestir f6r the Union Lumber Co.
- Inspection of redwood milling, remanufacturing and kiln drying operations, and of yard and shed stockl kept the party interested and happy until dinner, at the mill boarding house.
The deleg3tion left Ft. Bragg at 9 P. M. on Monday, arriving in San Francisco Tuesday. In the afternoon tie ladies (accompanied-let us whidper,-by a considerable male^delegation) we_re escorted by Mrs. Mabel Johnson, of the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce on a- personally conducted shopping tour, taking in the principal -American and Oriental stores.
The Chinatown trip, at which Mrs. Johnson was again hostess, was "pulled" on Tuesday evening. Guides 1nd safe conduct were provided by Chief of Police Daniel O'Brien.
J. M. Hotchkiss, President of the California Redwood Association, acted as Chairman at the Palace Hotel Luncheon tendered to the visiting delegation by the California Redwood and the California White and Sugar Pine Association and at which.were some 140 people, including representatives of the railroads, of the lumber trade presl and of the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce.
Address of welcome was tendered by Mr. H'. Clay Miller,