2 minute read
(Continued fronr Page 12) on behalf the Chamber of Commerce; and reply was made on behalf the retailers by Mr. C. T. Hubbell, C. T. Hubbell and Co. of Albany, N. Y.
Major David T. Mason gave an interesting resum6 of the reforestation work being done by the various redwood operations, Mr. A. L. Black of the California White and Sugar Pine Manufacturers Assn. extended a hearty invitation to visit,-ott their next Pacific Coast trip-the pine region of California, and Mr. A, H. Dykes, Dykes Lumber Co., New York City, recounted in a humorous vein the objects, purposes and experiences of the trip, paying tribute to the ability and ingenuity of Traffic Manager E. L. Raftery, who leads the party, to the many mdnufacturers and organizations who have entertained them so lavishly and so well, and to the railroads and their representatives who have, as he expressed it, "helped Mr. Raftery and the manufacturers make this Sixth Annual Excursion the best yet pulled off by the Northeastern Retail Lumbermen's Association.
The party divided into two groups at Los Angeles, one returning East via New Orleans, and the other by boat through the Panama Canal.
R. F. Hammatt, Secretary-Manager of the California Redwood Association, met the visiting party at Weed, on their arrival from the Northwest. At the Willitts, the following joined the party: P. C. McNevin, Pacific Lumber Co., San Francisco; R. F. Ilamilton, Pacific Lumber Co., San Francisco; Harold Plummer, Union Lumber Co., San
Twohy Lumber Co.
22 | Kerckhoff Bldg. Los Angeles, BDwy. 0843
CARGO-Fir, Rcdwood, Sugar Pine-RAIL
'We can always Eupply Fir Columns and Drain Boardg from stock
F.-clusive Southern California Agents
E. J. DODGE Redwo od
Thc Lor Angelce officcr of tThc California Lumbcr Merchant" arG now locetcd at 30t Ccntral Building, Sixth and Maiin Strcctr. Plcarc changc your r-ecordr, romc nail ir ctill bcinj ad- drercd to thc Fay Building. -
Francisco; Fred Holmes, Holmes-Eureka Lumber Co.. San Francisco; Henry Hink, Dolbeer-Carson Lumber Co.. San Francisco; H. W. Sinnock, Redwood Sales Co., San Francisco; Henry Faull, Ifammond Lumber Co., San Franc_iscg_i Mr. White, Ifammond Lumber Co., Samoa; Mrs. G. W. Fraser, Secretary California Retail Lumbermen's 4ssociatjon, San Francisco; G. W. Fraser, Chicago & Alton B. R., San Francisco; Mrs. Mabel Johnson, Eospitality Committee Chamber of Commerce, San Francisco.
San Francisco Building Permits Show Continued Increase
February building permits in San Francisco totaled 846, with an expenditure of $3,871,€7.00. Compared with January of this year, February shows an increaie of. W7,- 864.00.
The H. P. Maris Panel Company announce that Laurence K. Swentzel is now acting ai their representative in the Sacrarnento Valley, San Jdaquin Valley, and Coast Counties territory. The H. P. Maris Panel Company are distributors of Oregon Pine, White Pine Hardwood, and Port Orford Cedar Panels, with headquarters at 735 Third Street, San Francisco. Homer P. Maris, popular and well known lumberman, and active Hoo-Hoo worker, is the President of the H. P. Maris Panel Company. Mr. Swentzel also represents the William Smith Co. and Hutchinson Lumber Co. in the same territory.
Kiln and Air Dried Upp."r
16 C-alif. St. San Francirco So. CaEf. Rcprcrcntative